
The Results tab displays the overall results and scores for each character, and is divided into two sections: Overall Results and Character Results.

Overall Results

  • Status: Displays the function's overall result - Pass or Bad Read.

Character Results

  • Char: Displays the character read at that position.
  • Status: Displays the status (Bad Read, Good Read, Ignored, Confused, Mismatch, Confused Mismatch, No Read or Validation Failed) of the read character.
  • Bad Read: No characters scored high enough above the Accept Threshold to be considered a good read.
  • Good Read: The function successfully read the character at this position.
  • Ignored: When fielding is enabled, if a fielding string is specified and it is shorter than the string read by the function, the characters at the beginning or end of the string will be segmented (in yellow), but will not be included with the overall result. For example, if the fielding definition is ABC, and the string read by the function is "12ABC34", then "1234" will be ignored.
  • Confused: The function identified a character that scored high enough to be a good read (above the Accept Threshold parameter value), however, a different character scored close enough to the same score (within the Confusion Threshold parameter value), such that the function is not confident that it picked the correct character [Confused = (Primary Score - Secondary Score)/ Confidence Threshold].
  • Mismatch: The function found a character that does not match the fielding, which scored much higher than any characters that do not match the fielding. It is likely that a character that does not match the fielding was printed at this position. Fielding must be enabled to return this status.
Note: The Mismatch status is only returned if the OCRMaxSettings function is being utilized and the function's Ignore Unfielded Characters is disabled.
  • Confused Mismatch: The function found a character that meets both the requirements of Confused and Mismatch.
  • No Read: The function segmented less characters than were specified in the Field String. Fielding must be enabled to return this status.
  • Validation Failed: If the OCRMaxSettings function is being utilized and the function's Skip Additional Character Validation parameter is disabled, the function will parse the characters through an additional validation step, to ensure that the function does not produce false reads.
  • Score: Displays a score that measures how closely the read character matches the trained character in the font database.
  • Confused With: Displays the next, best matching character.
  • Confusion Score: Displays a measure of how certain the function is of the chosen match, when compared against the next, best match.