
Applies a coordinate transform to a Patterns structure. The function computes the offset and orientation of the patterns response points with respect to the specified real-world coordinate system.

Note: The output of any vision tool that reports in real-world coordinates cannot be used as a fixture or region input to another vision tool.

TransPatternsToWorld Inputs

Parameter Description


A reference to a spreadsheet cell containing a valid Calib data structure.


A reference to a spreadsheet cell containing a valid Patterns data structure.

Number to Convert

Specifies the number of patterns from the original Patterns data structure to convert to world coordinates. (0 to 1024; default = 1)

TransPatternsToWorld Outputs


Patterns structure translated to World coordinates, or #ERR if any of the input parameters are invalid.


When the function is initially inserted into a cell, a result table is created in the spreadsheet using the following Patterns Vision Data Access Functions:

Label Function Description
Index   Indexed Position


GetX(Patterns, Index)

The x-coordinate of the pattern position.


GetY(Patterns, Index)

The y-coordinate of the pattern position.


GetAngle(Patterns, Index)

The orientation of the pattern position.


GetScale(Patterns, Index)

The size of the pattern found compared to the trained model, as a percentage of the model size.


GetScore(Patterns, Index)

The pattern response score.