Menu Bar – Network

The Network menu contains login-related settings.

Option Description
Login As

Switches the current user logged in to the vision system to the user with the provided user name and password.


  • Refer to the User Settings topic of the In-Sight Vision Suite User Guide for more information on configuring users.
  • You can only switch to users with Full access level, as Protected and Locked users cannot access the adapter.
Auto Login

Enables logging on automatically to the vision system with the provided credentials, when connecting to it in In-Sight Vision Suite.


  • Enable Auto Login: Enables or disables the feature. This option is disabled by default.
  • User Name: The name of the user configured for auto login.
  • Password: The password of the configured user.
  • Apply: Applies the configuration changes of the dialog.
  • Cancel: Closes the dialog without saving.