
Inserts a drop-down list control in the spreadsheet.

Note: Since the ListBox function can accept a variable number of strings, this function is not configured through a Property Sheet. This function can be configured directly in the cell or in the Formula Bar on the Job Edit toolbar.

ListBox Inputs

Parameter Description

String0, [String1, ... ]

A variable-length list of individual text strings, each of which returns a different value when selected by a user from the drop-down list.

ListBox Outputs


A value representing the index number (zero-based) of the selected item.


A ListBox control.

Note: The text string that is currently selected from the list can also be accessed using the GetString Vision Data Access function.

Additional data elements can be accessed using the following Controls Vision Data Access Functions:

Label Function Description



Returns the text string.

ListBox Example

A spreadsheet is configured as follows:

  • A3=ListBox("Item1","Item2","Item3")
  • A4=A3

The function in cell A3 creates the list control, with "Item1" as the default selection. The index value of Item1 is 0, so the value in cell A4 will be 0.000.

If the user selects "Item2", then the value in cell A4 will be 1.000. If "Item3" is selected, the value in cell A4 will be 2.000.