User Access Levels

There are three different Access Levels on an In-Sight vision system: Full, Protected, and Locked.

  • Full: Users with Full access are allowed complete access to the In-Sight device. These users are typically developing the vision job that will run on the device. They have the ability to connect to a device, run and use the adapter of the device, and can manage users, access levels and passwords. In case of jobs, this mode allows normal access for Web Pages. WebPage Elements are enabled or disabled according to the logic on the WebPage (such as, if the Enabled property of an element is true or false, or different binding associations have been created that enable or disable an element based on other conditions).

  • Protected: Users with Protected access are in a restricted mode, however, some options are still available. They cannot press the Connect button in the software to connect to a device, and as such, they cannot launch the adapter of the device either to modify a job. In case of jobs, this mode allows normal access for Web Pages. WebPage Elements are enabled and/or disabled according to the logic on the WebPage (such as, if the Enabled property of an element is true or false, or different binding associations have been created that enable or disable an element based on other conditions).

  • Locked: Users with Locked access have the most restrictive access level. They cannot press the Connect button in the software to connect to a device, and as such, they cannot launch the adapter of the device either to modify a job. In case of jobs, all web page elements that have an Authorization property are disabled for this user level.