Blue Locate Tool – Labels and Marking Legend

This topic provides an overview of the graphic to define a feature, as well as the states of the labels and markings used by the Blue Locate tool.

Graphic Description


Indicates the orientation of the feature graphic. The Oriented checkbox must be enabled.


The bounds of the feature.


The center of the feature.


Along with the color, indicates the state of the feature graphic.


The 140 character identifier of the feature graphic.

  Feature Not in a Model Feature in a Model Feature Assumed to be in a Model



Mismatched Marking
  Neither in a model Both in a model Only the label is in a model Only the marking is in a model Only the marking is assumed to be in a model Label is in a model and the marking is assumed to be in a model

Label covering a marking

Label with a mismatched marking

  Unselected Selected In a model Assumed to be in a model

Label feature graphic

Marking feature graphic

Mismatched marking feature graphic