ViDi Client/Server Functionality

The ViDi Suite client/server functionality allows you to use the training and runtime implementations of the ViDi software on multiple PCs, through the use of a server/client model. With this model, you define a device as your server, and then multiple PCs can be configured as clients that connect to the server. During the setup of a ViDi project, the Workspace resides on the server, and the client connects to the server, using the Workspaces stored on the server. In this scenario, the clients do not need to have a Cognex Security Dongle; only the server must have a Cognex Security Dongle attached.

This functionality gives you the option of using a remote service for runtime inference and/or training, instead of using the GPU on your local PC. This can be useful if you have a more powerful GPU on the server, or perhaps you do not have a GPU installed locally.

When configured, up to 4 clients can be used for deployment operation, and up to 8 clients can connect for development purposes.

Configuring the ViDi client/server functionality involves the following:

  1. Install the ViDi Suite software on the server and client PCs.
  2. Configure the server and client devices.
  3. Manage the workspace(s) on the server.
  4. On the server, launch the ViDi Suite Service application.
  5. Connect to the server with the client PCs.
  • The VisionPro, Designer and ViDi software require that a valid Cognex Security Dongle be installed during all phases of operation. Any attempts to temporarily remove, substitute, or share a Cognex Security Dongle may cause your system to operate incorrectly, and may result in the loss of data.

    When ViDi is configured for the Client/Server functionality, and a computer has been configured as a server, the Cognex Security Dongle must be attached to the server, but the client(s) does not need a Cognex Security Dongle.

  • The server/client functionality requires the use of the Advanced Cognex ViDi license.