Red Analyze Tool – Statistics – Scores

The Scores graph lists all images that were labeled and scored as well as the two thresholds (T1, T2) for the graph. The first threshold determines the maximum value a True Negative (truly lacking a defect) can have before it is unsure about its value. The second threshold determines the minimum value a result must have before it is considered a True Positive (truly containing a defect). Values in between are considered False Positives or False Negatives, depending on their label, and will be assigned to the Inter column of the confusion matrix.

  • Using both the T1 and T2 thresholds can create an Inter (or marginal) class. If you encounter this, you can set up a process to flag Inter any images for a human inspector to review, or those images can be saved for further re-training (while offline). As a another fail-safe, images in that category could be rejected and sent to a re-work bin.

  • Both thresholds (T1 and T2, in the image below, T1 = 0.37 and T2 = 0.51) are interactive on the graph and can be adjusted. Adjusting these values interactively will also automatically update the Threshold parameter setting.

    1. Setting the Threshold here makes the tool “less picky” about what it predicts as a defect, generating more False Positives.
    1. Setting the Threshold here makes the tool “more picky” about what it predicts as a defect, generating more False Negatives. ​