Web Page Editor

The Web Page Editor is a WYSIWYG user interface (UI) editor used to create a Web Page, an interactive HMI UI for vision applications.

Note: More information on how to develop an HMI UI with the Web Page Editor can be found under the section Web Pages.
  • The Web Page Toolbox contains a tree of HMI UI elements which can be dragged and dropped onto the Web Page.

    Multiple elements on the Web Page can be selected by using pressing the Ctrl key and selecting the elements, or clicking on an empty area of the Web Page and dragging the mouse over the desired elements.

  • The Properties window will populate with the selected element's properties.

    Most of the Properties of the elements can be bound to Tags, or incorporated into expressions with the Expression Builder, which allows the values of the Properties to be "bound" so that the values will be updated in "real-time" when the project is in deployed mode.

    Note: For more information about bindings, see the topic Binding Properties .