Page User Inputs

The User Inputs category contains interactive elements that are used to display and interact with data in the project on the Page. These include elements such as a Button, ListBox, Numeric Entry and a TextBox, which can be used to construct interactive controls that can be used by operators during runtime.

To add and configure an element, drag and drop the element from the Toolbox, and then configure the element's Properties.

Note: For more information about configuring the various parameters of the element's Properties to a tag, please see the Binding Properties topic.
Control Description
Bar Graph Displays a Bar to visualize a range of values.
Button Displays a Button where the click event can be handled by the user.
CheckBox Enables the user to select or clear the associated option.
DateTimeEntry Enables the user to select an exact date and time.
ListBox Displays an item selector which enables the user to select an item from a list populated from a database query.
NumericEntry Enables the user to enter a numeric value.
Panel Displays a Raised or Inset panel.
PasswordBox Displays a text box where passwords can be entered.
RadioButton Enables the user to select a single value from a predefined option list.
SelectionBox Allows the user to select an item from a predefined list.
Slider Enables the user to choose between a range of values by sliding a small bar.
TextBox Displays a control where the user can enter text.