Task Mode

The Task Mode dialog is used to define the way that a Task is triggered. A Task has five different trigger modes, which can be set by right-clicking on the Task in the Project Explorer and selecting Task Mode.

By default, the Task is setup to execute manually when a script calls the $Tasks.{TaskName}.Run() function.

Control Description
Manual Specifies that the Task execution is controlled by the user. The Task can be executed by calling the Run() or RunAsync() method on the Task.
Event Specifies that the Task should execute when the selected event occurs. A list of available events are shown in the drop down list.
Multi-Event Specifies a set of events that must occur before the Task is executed.
Timer Specifies that the Task should execute at a user-defined interval (milliseconds).

Specifies that the Task should run continuously.

Note: For details on the concept of a continuous task or continuous vs. manual acquisition, see the Acquiring Images - Manual Vs. Continuous topics for more information.