Button Click Command - WebPages

The Click Command property can be associated with the following WebPages elements, allowing you to interact with the image and/or elements:

  • To enable these interactions, a Display, Filmstrip or Recorded Image Viewer element must be on the WebPage. For more information, see the Vision Controls and Displays topic.
  • These interactions can also be called via a script. For more information, see the WebPages HMI Scripting topic.
Click Command Description Property Parameters (with Data Type)
WebPages.WebPage.Display.CancelEditGraphic This command cancels edits made to a graphic; if there are multiple buttons with Edit Graphic commands on a WebPage, a single button with the Cancel Edit Graphic command will work with all of the Edit Graphic buttons. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Display.EditGraphic This function is tied to a specific In-Sight Vision Tool Controls Functions graphic, typically for editing a Region of Interest (ROI). After enabling the Edit Graphic command, the address property must be specified, which defines which ROI control the graphic corresponds to. address: String
WebPages.WebPage.Display.EndEditGrapic This command accepts any changes made to a graphic, and saves the changes to the vision system. If there are multiple buttons with Edit Graphic commands on a WebPage, a single button with the End Edit Graphic command will work with all of the Edit Graphic buttons. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Display.Pan Provides the ability to move the image horizontally and vertically. X and Y coordinates can be specified. x: Double, y: Double
WebPages.WebPage.Display.PanTo Provides the ability to move to a specific pixel location, horizontally and vertically, within the image. X and Y coordinates can be specified; the center of the graphic will be at the specified coordinates. x: Double, y: Double
WebPages.WebPage.Display.Rotate90CCW Rotates the image 90° counter-clockwise. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Display.Rotate90CW Rotates the image 90° clockwise. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Display.ZoomIn Provides the ability to zoom in the image. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Display.ZoomOut Provides the ability to zoom out of the image. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Display.ZoomToFill Provides an automatic scaling option to scale the image will fill the entire display area. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Display.ZoomToFit Provides an automatic scaling option to scale the image as large as possible, while still displaying the entire image. If the aspect ratio of the display area differs from the image, this option will result in either horizontal or vertical blank areas within the display. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Display.ZoomToFixed Provides a manual scaling mode option in which the scale factor between the image and display is fixed, independent of the display size. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Clear Clears the contents of the Filmstrip. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Continue Sets the Filmstrip in Live state from Frozen state. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Freeze Sets the Filmstrip in Frozen state from Live state. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Load Allows you to browse and load a previously-exported Filmstrip archive into the Filmstrip. This function is only guaranteed to work with unmodified archive files, and is available only if the Filmstrip is Frozen. N/A

Exports the contents of the Filmstrip along with the recorded values of all published tags into a compressed archive. By default, the archive is saved into the <X>:\Users\[Username]\Documents\In-Sight Vision Suite\ folder with the filmstrip.zip filename. This command is available only if the Filmstrip is Frozen.

WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectFirstItem Selects the first acquisition on the Filmstrip. If the Filmstrip is Live, this command puts it Frozen state. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectLastItem Selects the last acquisition on the Filmstrip. If the Filmstrip is Live, this command puts it Frozen state. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectNextItem Selects the next acquisition on the Filmstrip. If the Filmstrip is Live, this command puts it Frozen state. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectPrevItem Selects the previous acquisition on the Filmstrip. If the Filmstrip is Live, this command puts it Frozen state. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.RecordedImageViewer.NextImage Moves the selection to the next image in the File Selector list of the Recorded Image Viewer. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.RecordedImageViewer.PreviousImage Moves the selection to the previous image in the File Selector list of the Recorded Image Viewer. N/A
WebPages.WebPage.RecordedImageViewer.Refresh Reloads all images from the directory specified in the Directory property of the Recorded Image Viewer. N/A