
The Status WebPage elements are used to insert HMI elements that graphically display the status of the acquisition, a Spreadsheet Editor cell (as long as its Tag is published), or another WebPage element. This WebPage element category contains the following components.

Element Description
HMI Busy

Inserts a graphical element for providing visual feedback on the status of the WebHMI (for example, whether the WebHMI is still working in the background, or ran into any errors).

The element has three states:

  • : The WebHMI is up-to-date, and shows the latest information.
  • : The WebHMI is busy, or in other words, some web page elements on the screen are not yet updated. This can occur, for example, if only low-resolution preliminary results are shown, or acquisition results are still being generated.
  • : The WebHMI ran into an error, for example it could not download the final high-resolution image of the acquisition.

    Tip: Move the mouse cursor over the element in such cases to get more information about the error through the element's tooltip.
Multi Status

Inserts a control for graphically displaying the status of an Integer value of another WebPage Controls element, or an Integer Tag in the job, that is bound to the element's Value property. This element can be used to represent a binary representation of an Integer value, a history of results or the states of the Discrete I/Olines in a job.

The MultiStatus element has three additional Event handler script points:

  • On Value Change
  • On Mouse Down
  • On Mouse Enter
  • On Mouse Leave
  • On Mouse Move
  • On Mouse Up

The MultiStatus element's numbering is zero-based, and you can define the first bit to be displayed by setting the Start Bit of the bound MultiStatus spreadsheet function (default is 0). The control determines the order of the displayed bits by first applying the Start Bit property, and then the value of the Reverse Order property.

The following illustration indicates how the control's settings can be used to display different bit values:


Inserts a control that you can use to quickly pause an online device or set it online again. When doing so, this control sets the value of the $System.OnlineEnabled tag to True or False, respectively, resulting in the following behavior:

  • When the system is online (the $System.OnlineEnabled is set True), image acquisition is active, the vision application configured in the Spreadsheet Editor is running, and the results of the application are sent with the configured I/O operations and industrial communications protocol.
  • When the system is Paused (the $System.OnlineEnabled is set False), the adapter disables the vision application, all industrial communications, and all I/O interactions as well. This state is useful to adjust acquisition properties or the configured vision tools without going offline (provided that the acquisition properties have their WebPage controls set up on the WebPage).

The element indicates Online and Pause modes with the following default colors:

Note: See the Pause While Online topic for more information on the Online and Paused modes.
Progress Bar

Inserts a control to display the progress of a process, by selecting a user-defined Minimum and Maximum (starting and end points) properties, and the Value property to monitor. These properties can either be bound to tags or hard-coded. The progress of the value is determined based on the ratio of the Value property to the Minimum and Maximum properties (starting and end points).

Note: The Progress Bar element does not have any Event handler script points.
Run Status

Inserts a control to show whether the job is Paused or Online. By default, the control has the following appearances:

  • : Indicates that the job is Online.
  • : Indicates that the job is Paused.

Use the Icon and Text properties in the Frequently Used category to change the graphics and text used to indicate the Paused status.

The Run Status element has the following Event handler script points:

  • On Mouse Down
  • On Mouse Enter
  • On Mouse Leave
  • On Mouse Move
  • On Mouse Up
Tip: You can also quickly create this control by drag-and-dropping the $System.OnlineEnabled tag from the Tags Window onto the web page.

Inserts a control to graphically display the status of an integer value in the job, by binding the Value property to either a Tag or another value in the job. In addition, text, colors and icons can be added to help define the status being displayed.

When monitoring the Value, it is illustrated as follows:

  • > 0 = Positive
  • 0 = Zero
  • < 0 = Negative

The Status element has the following Event handler script points:

  • On Value Change
  • On Mouse Down
  • On Mouse Enter
  • On Mouse Leave
  • On Mouse Move
  • On Mouse Up