Menu Bar – Edit

Note: This menu is available only when the Spreadsheet Editor or the Web Page Editor is open.

The Edit menu of the Menu Bar provides settings to manipulate data and settings in the Spreadsheet Editor or the currently displayed WebPage. The actual settings available in the menu depend on whether you work with a Spreadsheet or a WebPage.

Options common for both editors include the following:

Icon Option Description
Undo Reverts the previous change you made in the Spreadsheet or Webpage.
Redo Applies the previously undone change in the Spreadsheet or Webpage.
Cut Copies the selected content to the clipboard. Once the content has been pasted to a new location with the Paste option, the contents will be cleared from their original location.
Copy Copies the selected content to the clipboard. Once the content has been pasted to a new location with the Paste option, the contents at the original location will be left unchanged.
Paste Copies the contents of the clipboard to the selected location.
Delete Deletes the selected component. In case of Spreadsheet cell(s), you can delete the cells by shifting them up or down, or by removing their entire row or column.

Options that are available when a Spreadsheet is open include the following:

Tip: These settings are also available in the Spreadsheet Toolbar.
Icon Option Description

Clears the specified contents of the selected cell(s):

  • All: Completely reverts the cell(s) to their default appearance.
  • Contents: Removes all contents from the cell(s), but leaves the format settings (such as background color) intact.
  • Formats: Removes all formatting from the cell(s), but keeps the contents.
  • Comments: Removes all content from the cell(s) formatted as comments.
  Create a WebPage from Selected Cells Generates a new WebPage from the contents of the selected cell(s).
  Export Cells to Template Exports the contents of the selected cell(s) to Templates.
  Publish Exposes the contents of the selected cell(s) as Tags.
  Unpublish Disables the exposure of cells as Tags that have been previously published.

Opens the Find dialog, allowing you to search for a specific word or phrase within the Spreadsheet.



The available search settings are the following:

  • Find what: The word/phrase to look for in the Spreadsheet.
  • Search: Specifies whether to search the specified word/phrase by rows or by columns.
  • Look in: Specifies whether to look for the specified word/phrase in formulas, values, comments or names.
  • Match case: Check if the dialog should return only words or phrases with the exact case.
  • Find entire cells only: Check if the dialog should return only cells that contain exactly the specified word/phrase.
  Go To Opens the Go To dialog. Use the dialog to quickly select the cell specified with the dialog. For example, typing M11 in the textbox, and pressing Enter will immediately select cell M11.
Cell Graphic Enters Interactive Graphics Mode to edit the cell graphic. This option is available only when the active cell contains a function that has an associated cell graphic.
Maximize Region Resizes the region cell graphic equal to the image region in the referenced data structure. Cell A0 is the default image source. This button is available only when the active cell contains a function that has an associated region cell graphic.
Cell State Opens the Cell State Dialog.

Options that are available when a Webpage is open include the following:

Tip: These settings are also available in the Webpage Toolbar.
Icon Option Description
Lock Toggle lock/ unlock selected web page elements in place.
Export Export the current WebPage as a template.
  Align Align two or more webpage elements. Options include aligning by the left, right, top or bottom edge, and by the horizontal or vertical middle line.
  Size Makes two or more webpage elements equal in size, height, or width (depending on the selected option). The selected elements are always equaled to the first selected element.
  Spacing Applies equal horizontal/vertical spacing between three or more selected webpage elements, or removes horizontal/vertical spacing between selected elements.
  Layering Configures the Z-Order of the selected element. Options include bringing an element one index position forward (or to the front), or sending an element one index position backwards (or to the back).

Allows you to bind multiple webpage elements into a single group, or unbind an existing group of elements.

  • When multiple elements are grouped together, their individual element Properties are no longer accessible. Instead, they are replaced by Group Properties, which allows you to specify a name for the Group, and X and Y coordinate values of the grouped elements.
  • To adjust and edit the Properties of individual elements in a Group, first double-click the Group, then select individual elements to adjust their Properties. Press the ESC key to complete the edits.
  • When an element with a published property tag is placed in a Group, the path name of the element changes to include the name of the Group, such as WebPages.WebPageName.GroupName.SelectionBoxName.Content. For a full list of elements with published properties, see the WebPages Element Property Tags topic.
  • When elements with a published property tag are in a Group and are then ungrouped, the element's name will be changed. For example, WebPages.WebPageName.GroupName.SelectionBoxName.Content becomes WebPages.WebPageName.SelectionBoxName.Content.

Replace Tags Opens the Replace Tags dialog, allowing you to replaces the tags of the selected webpage element.