Patterns Vision Data Access Functions

This topic lists the Vision Data Access Functions that get values from a Patterns structure as input.

Note: Each of the following functions references a Patterns data structure as the first parameter. Index (zero-based) determines which pattern is being indexed from the structure.
Function Description

GetAngle(Patterns, [Index])

Returns the angle value.

Note: This function is supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns, and SortPatterns functions.

GetClutter(Patterns, [Index])

Returns the clutter score(the score of features found that are not part of the trained pattern.)

Note: This function is supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns function.

GetContrast(Patterns, [Index])

  • The FindPatMaxPattern contrast is the "absolute" image contrast of the search ROI, in grey scale level.
Note: This function is supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns function.

GetCoverage(Patterns, [Index])

Returns the coverage percentage.

Note: This function is supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns function.

GetFitError(Patterns, [Index])

Returns the fit error score.

Note: This function is only supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns function.


Returns the coarse granularity value.

Note: This function is supported by the TrainPatMaxPattern function.


Returns the fine granularity value.

Note: This function is supported by the TrainPatMaxPattern function.

GetInfoCode(Patterns, [Index])

Returns a diagnostic code for a pattern.



Diagnostic Code

Corresponding Information String


Pattern may contain too few match features.


Difficult to automatically set feature granularity; manually set Granularity.


Pattern may be less accurate than expected because the training image appears blurry.


The pattern results may be unstable because the coarse features have the same direction.


Execution time may increase because of numerous fine features; manually set Granularity.


Pattern may contain insufficient information to measure Angle or Scale reliably.


No error information.


Diagnostic Code

Corresponding Information String


[Value] result(s) discarded due to low contrast.


[Value] result(s) discarded due proximity to more accurate results.


[Value] result(s) discarded due to excess clutter.


Trained pattern contains too few features for current parameter settings.

GetInfoString(Patterns, [Index])

Returns the information string for a pattern.

Note: This function is supported by the TrainPatMaxPattern and FindPatMaxPatterns functions.


Returns the number of pattern matches found.

Note: This function is supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns, and SortPatterns functions.

GetOutsideArea(Patterns, [Index])

Returns the proportion (on a scale of 0 to 1, where 0 equals completely within and 1 equals 100% outside) of the matching pattern's area found outside the search region.

Note: This function is only supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns function.

GetOutsideFeatures(Patterns, [Index])

Returns the proportion (on a scale of 0 to 1, where 0 equals completely within and 1 equals 100% outside) of the matching pattern's features found outside the search region.

Note: This function is only supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns function.

GetScale(Patterns, [Index])

Returns the size of the match (compared to the trained pattern) as a percentage.

Note: This function is supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns, and SortPatterns functions.

GetScaleX(Patterns, [Index])

Returns the size of the match in the X-direction (compared to the trained pattern) as a percentage.

Note: This function is only supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns function.

GetScaleY(Patterns, [Index])

Returns the size of the match in the Y-direction (compared to the trained pattern) as a percentage.

Note: This function is only supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns function.

GetScore(Patterns, [Index])

Returns the pattern response score value.

Note: This function is supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns, and SortPatterns functions.


Returns 1 if a pattern has been successfully learned, and 0 if a pattern cannot be trained from a Patterns structure.

Note: This function is supported by the TrainPatMaxPattern function.

GetX(Patterns, [Index])

Returns a x-coordinate.

Note: This function is supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns, and SortPatterns functions.

GetY(Patterns, [Index])

Returns a y-coordinate.

Note: This function is supported by the FindPatMaxPatterns, and SortPatterns functions.