Menu Bar – View

The View menu allows you to navigate among the Job Windows by opening or bringing them to the top of the window pane. This is very useful if you want to quickly open a window, or have multiple windows open, and want to bring one of them to the front immediately.

Icon Option Description
  Properties Opens the Properties window of the active job editor, or brings it to the front.
  Toolbox Opens the Toolbox of the active job editor or brings it to the front.
  Output Opens the Output window or brings it to the front.
  Charts Opens the Charts window of the Spreadsheet Editor or brings it to the front.
  Filmstrip Opens the Filmstrip window or brings it to the front.
  Filmstrip Preview Opens the Filmstrip Preview Window or brings it to the front.
  Tags Opens the Tags Window or brings it to the front.
Templates Opens the Templates Browser or brings it to the front.
  Web Pages Opens the Web Pages Browser or brings it to the front.

When the Spreadsheet Editor is open, the menu also contains additional settings that help you change the various view settings of the spreadsheet.

Icon Option Description
Overlay Enables or disables the spreadsheet in the Spreadsheet Editor. When enabled, the spreadsheet is overlaid on the acquired image. When disabled, only the acquired image is shown in the editor.
Graphics Shows/hides overlay graphics associated with spreadsheet functions.
  Text Scale Mode

Formats the scale for graphic overlay text. The option has three settings:

  • Fixed: The graphic overlay text is a fixed size, regardless of the image zoom level.
  • Scale with Image: As the image is zoomed in or out, the graphic overlay text is scaled proportionally with the image.
  • Shrink Only: As the image is zoomed out, the scale of the graphic overlay text is decreased. As the image is zoomed in, if the graphic overlay text is smaller than the default font size, the scale of the graphic overlay text is increased until it reaches the default font size.
  Sheet Zoom Opens the Sheet Zoom dialog, allowing you to increase or decrease the zoom level on the spreadsheet.

Allows you to split the Spreadsheet Editor area between the spreadsheet and the acquired image. There are three settings:

  • None: The spreadsheet is overlaid on the acquired image.
  • Horizontal: The editor area is horizontally split between the image and the spreadsheet.
  • Vertical: The editor area is vertically split between the image and the spreadsheet.
  Auditing Allows you to check cell dependencies and display dependency errors. See the Auditing topic for more information.