3D Point Cloud Display Toolbar

The Display Toolbar of the Filmstrip Preview Window contains options that you can use to interact with the 3D point cloud shown in the Display Area. The available buttons are listed below:

Button Name Description
Zoom To Fit

Fits the 3D point cloud to the display. The point cloud will automatically scale to be maximally displayed in the viewer. The original aspect ratio of the point cloud is also maintained, therefore it may not fill the viewer completely.

Height Coloring

Enables the Z-Axis Height Color Map and the Color Map Legend, indicating the height of the point cloud points along the Z-axis, relative to the height coloring setup in the Spreadsheet Editor.

Point cloud with color mapping disabled Point cloud with color mapping enabled

When color mapping is enabled, the warmer the point is, the closer it is to the top threshold (i.e., it is "higher" in the working space of the sensor). Consequently, the colder it is, the closer it is to the bottom threshold (i.e. the lower it is in the working area of the sensor).

This setting is enabled by default.

Toggle 3D Grid

Toggles a 3D grid around the point cloud, indicating the planes, axes and distances within the point cloud space.


Toggle 3D Image Visualization as Points/Surface

Allows you to switch between Mesh Mode ()and Point Cloud Mode () in the 3D viewer as shown below. This setting is disabled if the vision system supports only one of these modes.


Point Cloud Mode Mesh Mode
Toggle Lambert Lighting

Enables or disables ambient directional Lambert lighting in the 3D scene. When disabled, lighting is cast from the Z-axis. When enabled, it comes from the 3D viewer camera perspective.

Tip: Enable or disable this setting based on which features of the acquired point cloud you wish to be visible.
Lambert Lighting disabled Lambert Lighting enabled
Left View

Changes the view to display the point cloud on the Y and Z-axes, in a reverse X-axis direction (in other words, shows the point cloud "from the left").

Right View

Changes the view to display the point cloud on the Z-axis and a reverse Y-axis, in an X-axis direction (in other words, shows the point cloud "from the right").

Top VIew Changes the view to display the point cloud on the X and Y axes, in a reverse Z-axis direction. In other words, this view shows the point cloud "from the top", from the perspective of the camera sensor.
Bottom View Change the view to display the point cloud on the Y-axis and a reverse X-axis, in a Z-axis direction. In other words, this view shows the point cloud "from the bottom", with the perspective aimed toward the camera sensor.
Front View

Changes the view to display the point cloud on the Z-axis and a reverse X-axis, in a reverse Y-axis direction. In other words, this view shows the point cloud "from the front", and the orientation on-screen is as if looking at the inspected part facing from camera-to-laser in front of the 3D vision system.

Back View Changes the view to display the point cloud on the X and Z-axes, in a Y-axis direction. In other words, this view shows the point cloud "from the back side", and the orientation on-screen is as if looking at the inspected part facing from camera-to-laser behind the 3D vision system.
Isometric View Changes the view to isometric, with all three coordinate axes appearing equally foreshortened, and the angle between any two of them being 120 degrees. This is the default perspective.
View Management

Offers view management options to either save the current point cloud view, or load a new one in its place.

  • Save View: Saves the currently configured point cloud view settings (i.e. the orientation and zoom level) of the Filmstrip Preview window. The available options are the following:
    • Primary View: Saves the point cloud view into the Primary View slot. The saved view then can be loaded in other windows by selecting the View > Load View > Primary View option on the window's toolbar.
    • Secondary View: Saves the point cloud view into the Secondary View slot. The saved view then can be loaded in other windows by selecting the View > Load View > Secondary View option on the window's toolbar.
    • Filmstrip View: Saves the point cloud view into the Filmstrip. To update the point cloud rendering on the frames of the Filmstrip, select one or more frames, and then click the (Regenerate Selection) button.

      Note: The Filmstrip window does not automatically update the point clouds of the frames when the view is saved to the Filmstrip. You must manually update them with the Regenerate Selection button as described above.
  • Load View: Loads a previously saved point cloud view to the Filmstrip Preview window. The available options are the following:
    • Primary View: Loads the view previously saved into the Primary View slot.
    • Secondary View: Loads the view previously saved into the Secondary View slot.
    • Filmstrip View: Loads the point cloud view stored in the frames of the Filmstrip.