
The Spreadsheet toolbars allow single-click access to common tasks.

  • Icons will appear grayed out when their corresponding functions are not available in the current context.
Icon Tool Keyboard Shortcut Description
Recipe Manager Toolbar
Recipe Manager   Opens the Recipe Manager, allowing you to save the contents of the Spreadsheet as a spreadsheet configuration (also known as "Recipe"), or load an existing Recipe while the job is Offline.
Recipe State   Indicates which Recipe is currently loaded in the job. If no Recipe is loaded, this section shows the No configuration was loaded. message.
Standard Toolbar
New Sheet Ctrl + N Clears the contents of the current spreadsheet after confirmation.
Save Image As   Saves the image currently shown on the spreadsheet either as an 8-bit grayscale BMP or JPG file.
t Cut Ctrl + X Cut the selected cell(s). Often used in conjunction with Paste.
Copy Ctrl + C

Copy the selected cell(s) or file(s) to the clipboard. Often used in conjunction with Paste.

Paste Ctrl + P

Paste cell(s) that were cut or copied.

Undo Expression Ctrl + Z

Undo the last action.

Redo Expression Ctrl + Y

Redo the last action.

Find Ctrl + F Open the Find Dialog to search the spreadsheet for the text string that you specify, and select the first cell that contains that text.
Spreadsheet Display Toolbar
Trigger Once F6 Acquires one new image from the In-Sight vision system. Also causes the cells in the spreadsheet to execute.

Live Video

  Displays a live image to use when making adjustments to the sensor's lens and the field of view. Press any button to exit live video and return to the spreadsheet.
Zoom In Shift + ADD

Increase the level of magnification on the background image.

Zoom Out Shift + Subtract

Decrease the level of magnification on the background image.

Zoom 1:1 Shift + Multiply

Set the zoom ratio to 1:1. The image will represent a 1:1 pixel mapping between the image and your display resolution. No automatic scaling will be performed.

Zoom to Fill  

Fill the entire display with the image. No empty space will appear around the image, but a portion of the image may be cropped (not visible) to achieve this.

Zoom to Fit  

Fit the image to the display. The image will automatically scale to be maximally displayed behind the spreadsheet, with the entire image visible. The image's original aspect ratio is maintained; some empty (gray) space may exist around the image.

Rotate Image Shift + Divide

Rotates the image 90° clockwise.

Show Image Saturation Ctrl + Shift + B

Enables or disables the highlighting of over- or undersaturated pixels in the acquired image as follows:Undersaturated images whose grey level (or RGB level for color images) is less than or equal to the Low Saturation Level (greyscale or RGB values of 5) are indicated in blue.Oversaturated images whose grey level (or RGB level for color images) is greater than or equal to the High Saturation Level (greyscale or RGB values of 240) are indicated in red.

Change Split Shift + F7

Enables split view, a horizontal or vertical split screen showing the image (including any graphics) in one screen and the spreadsheet grid view in the other. The window is initially split 50/50. The user may adjust the split ratio by hovering over the split until the cursor changes and then clicking and dragging to the desired position.

No Split Shows the classic view with the spreadsheet grid over the graphics.
Horizontal Split The window will be split horizontally with the image and graphics on top and the spreadsheet grid on the bottom.
Vertical Split The window will be split vertically with the image and graphics on the left and the spreadsheet grid on the right.
Note: In the split view, the grid is always displayed with full opacity. The ablility to Show Grid, Increase Transparency, and Decrease Transparency will be disabled in split view.
Increase Transparency  

Increase the spreadsheet overlay transparency; the image becomes more visible, while the spreadsheet becomes less opaque.

Decrease Transparency  

Decrease the spreadsheet overlay transparency; the image becomes less visible, while the spreadsheet becomes more opaque.

Show Grid Shift + F6

Show/hide the semitransparent spreadsheet grid.

Show Graphics Ctrl + Shift + G

Shows/hides overlay graphics associated with spreadsheet functions.

Text Scale Mode  

Formats the scale for graphic overlay text. The option has three settings:

  • Fixed: The graphic overlay text is a fixed size, regardless of the image zoom level.
  • Scale with Image: As the image is zoomed in or out, the graphic overlay text is scaled proportionally with the image.
  • Shrink Only: As the image is zoomed out, the scale of the graphic overlay text is decreased. As the image is zoomed in, if the graphic overlay text is smaller than the default font size, the scale of the graphic overlay text is increased until it reaches the default font size.
Spreadsheet magnification  

Increase or decrease the level of magnification on the spreadsheet.

Formatting Toolbar

Select a font type


Select a font size

Bold Text Ctrl + B  
Italicized Text Ctrl + I  
Align Text Left    
Align Text Center    
Align Text Right    
Increase Decimal Places    
Decrease Decimal Places    

Cell Background color

Note: Changes to the background color are ignored for any cell containing the ColorLabel function.
Text Color  
Note: Changes to the foreground color are ignored for any cell containing the ColorLabel function.
Edit Toolbar

Insert Absolute Reference Ctrl + Shift + A

Insert an absolute cell reference into the active cell.

Insert Relative Reference Ctrl + Shift + R

Insert a relative cell reference into the active cell.

Insert Function Ctrl + Shift + F

Open the Insert Function Dialog to insert a function into the active cell. If the active cell already contains a function with a Property Sheet, then the property sheet will open instead of the Insert Function dialog.

Edit Cell Graphic F9

Enters Interactive Graphics Mode to edit the cell graphic. This option is available only when the active cell contains a function that has an associated cell graphic.

Maximize Cell Region Ctrl + Shift + M

Resizes the region cell graphic equal to the image region in the referenced data structure. Cell A0 is the default image source. This button is available only when the active cell contains a function that has an associated region cell graphic.

Edit Cell State  

Open the Cell State Dialog to enable or disable the execution of cells either explicitly or conditionally, based upon the value of a referenced cell.

Edit Comment  

Open the Comment Dialog to add or edit a comment for the active cell.

Accept Changes Enter

Accept the current modification.

Cancel Changes ESC

Cancel the current modification and restore previous values (if any).

Cell Name   Provides the ability to specific a custom Cell Name. The default cell name is a cell's row and column location in the spreadsheet.

Formula Bar  

Enter a spreadsheet formula, value or label in the active cell.

Edit Cell State   Shows cell dependencies and is also a link to the Cell State Dialog.
Auditing Toolbar

Increase Dependency Levels F11

Turns on the display of dependency arrows and increases the number of displayed dependency levels.

Decrease Dependency Levels Shift + F11

Decrease the number of displayed dependency levels.

Reset Dependency Levels Ctrl + F11

Set the number of displayed dependency levels to zero.

Show Dependency Errors Only Alt + F11

Display only dependencies for which the precedent cell is in error (#ERR).

Go To First Error Ctrl + Shift + F11

Jump to the first #ERR precedent of the active cell.