Communicate with a Rockwell ControlLogix PLC

This section describes how to transfer data between an In-Sight vision system and a ControlLogix or CompactLogix PLC on an EtherNet/IP network, using Rockwell RSLogix 5000 software. For more information, see EtherNet/IP Communications.

Integration with RSLogix 5000

The steps to configure an implicit connection and transfer of data depend on the In-Sight firmware version installed to the vision system, and the version of RSLogix 5000 software.

RSLogix 5000, Version 15+, Using Add-On Profile (AOP) Version 1.28

Note: To use Add-On Profile (AOP) version 1.28 of the profile, you must first install the RSLogix 5000 version 15 or later. This version provides AOP support to the next generation models: In-Sight 2000 series vision sensors, In-Sight 57xx, In-Sight 8000 and In-Sight 76xx - 79xx series vision systems, as well as the legacy In-Sight models.

RSLogix 5000, Version 15-19

RSLogix 5000, Version 20+, Using Generic or EDS Generated Profile:


EDS Generated Profile or Add-On Profile (AOP)

EDS Generated Profile

Electronic Data Sheets (EDS) are text files used by various network configuration tools to identify In-Sight vision systems on a network. You can use EDS files with any EtherNet/IP device. In-Sight EDS files are installed with In-Sight Explorer software in the Factory Protocol Files folder:

These EDS files are then imported into the appropriate software. For more information using the EDS or Generic Module, refer to Establish the Connection Using the EDS Generated Profile or Establish the Connection Using a Generic ETHERNET-MODULE.

For EDS installation information, see Install the EDS Files.

Add-On Profile (AOP)

RSLogix 5000 software supports using Add-On Profile (AOP) which allows configuration of EtherNet/IP enabled devices to communicate with Rockwell ControlLogix and CompactLogix PLCs. The user interface for Add-On Profile (AOP) provides enumerated access to the configuration and status data with full range checking. Data entered is validated to ensure that selections made are correct and consistent with the desired setup. The Add-On Profile (AOP) understands the structure of I/O and configuration data and creates tags using names assigned to the device in RSLogix 5000. There is a complete enumeration of the tag to differentiate the data visibly, and all data is available using the tag name.

The In-Sight Add-On Profile (AOP) installer is available from the In-Sight support site. The current version 1.28 supports all In-Sight vision systems including the new next-generation models (In-Sight 2000 series vision sensors, In-Sight 8000 and In-Sight 76xx - 79xx series vision systems). For more information, see Install the Add-On Profile.

  • The Add-On Profile (AOP) installs Major Revision 11 for In-Sight 2000 series vision sensors, In-Sight 57xx, In-Sight 76xx-79xx, and In-Sight 8000 series vision systems, and Major Revision 12 for all legacy models (In-Sight 1000, In-Sight 5000 and In-Sight 70xx-74xx series vision systems).
  • The Add-On Profile (AOP) version 1.28 with Major Revision 12 supports TestRun bits on the legacy models.
  • If the Add-On Profile (AOP) is installed, the In-Sight vision systems will hide the EDS generated profile.
  • While the latest In-Sight Add-On Profile (AOP) contains all the contents from previous revisions and does not break compatibility with existing applications, whether or not the connection will be established is tied to the Major Revision field in the Add-On Profile (AOP).