All returned values are from a referenced IDMax structure, which is inserted in the spreadsheet when the ReadIDMax function is created. The optional Index can reference an indexed string from the ReadIDMax function result table. For more information, see ReadIDMax.




Returns the angle of a symbol (except PharmaCode and DataBar symbols).

Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.


Returns the name of the code type. This is the same code name shown in the ReadIDMax property sheet. For more information, see Property Sheet.


Returns the Code Type.

GetCol(IDMax, [Index1], [Index2])

Returns the column coordinate (in pixels) of the upper left-hand corner of a POSTNET, PLANET or Postal symbol and the column (y) coordinate for 2D symbols at the indexed (0 to 3) finder pattern points. The second index identifies the indexed symbol. For more information, see Finder Pattern Points.

Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.


Returns the value (0 = black, 1 = white) of the foreground color for a Data Matrix, QR Code or PDF417 symbol.


Returns the mean contrast between foreground and background in greyscale values in a barcode. This provides a measurement of the contrast between the darkest and lightest elements in the symbol. A high quality symbol exhibits a high percentage of contrast between the symbol's foreground and background.

  • Grade A (4.0) ≥ 70%
  • Grade B (3.0) ≥ 55%
  • Grade C (2.0) ≥ 40%
  • Grade D (1.0) ≥ 20%
  • Grade F (0.0) < 20%


Returns the minimum decodability of the barcode (except DataBar barcodes). A measure of printing accuracy, decodability is the fraction of the available margin for error that has not been used by the printing process, and is thus available for the reader. For every character of every scan line, a reference threshold is calculated and is a measure of the module width threshold. Each character's widest narrow element and narrowest wide element is compared to this to determine decodability. An element refers to either a bar or space in a barcode. For more information, see Scan Lines.

  • Grade A (4.0) ≥ .62
  • Grade B (3.0) ≥ .50
  • Grade C (2.0) ≥ .37
  • Grade D (1.0) ≥ .20
  • Grade F (0.0) < .20
Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.
GetDecoded(IDMax,Index) Returns whether the indexed ID symbol is found; 0.0 for not found, or 1.0 for found.


Returns the ratio of the maximum element reflectance non-uniformity to the average barcode contrast (except DataBar barcodes). This is a measure of voids in bars or spots in spaces. An element refers to either a bar or space in a barcode.

  • Grade A (4.0) ≤ .15
  • Grade B (3.0) ≤ .20
  • Grade C (2.0) ≤ .25
  • Grade D (1.0) ≤ .30
  • Grade F (0.0) > .30
Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.


Returns the error correction level of a Data Matrix or a PDF 417 code. PDF 417 symbols support 9 error correction levels, with 0 being the least thorough, and 8 being the most thorough.

Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.


Returns the minimum edge response between successive elements in a barcode (except DataBar barcodes). Also referred to as the minimum edge contrast, the minimum edge response is a measurement of the minimum contrast of the worst (the least amount of contrast) edge in the code. With maximum reflectance being 100% and no reflectance being 0%, the minimum difference in contrast must be greater than or equal to 15% for a pass, otherwise the code will fail the minimum edge response test.

  • Grade A (4.0) = Pass
  • Grade F (0.0) = Fail
Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.


Returns an error code for each information string.


Returns the number of erroneous codewords found in a 2D symbol. This value is used to calculate UnusedEC.


Returns diagnostic information if symbol decoding fails. For more information, see ID Error Strings.


Returns the value representing the format of a 2D symbol in the ReadIDMax function. For more information, see GetFormat Values.

GetFound(IDMax,Index) Returns whether the indexed ID symbol is found; 0.0 for not found, or 1.0 for found.


Returns the overall quality grade for the barcode, based on the lowest grade received from the Contrast, Modulation, Defect and Decodability tests.

  • Grade A = 4.0
  • Grade B = 3.0
  • Grade C = 2.0
  • Grade D = 1.0
  • Grade F = 0.0


Returns the number of columns contained in a 2D symbol.


Returns the number of rows contained in a 2D symbol.


Returns the 2D symbol print growth test result. The horizontal and vertical print growths are calculated independently and the lower score is returned. This test indicates whether the cells in the symbol vary in size. For example, it is not uncommon with some marking methods for cells to increase in size, moving from the left-side of the symbol to the right. A high quality symbol exhibits little or no print growth. The print growth test result is often linked to the non-uniformity test result, because it can lead to symbols with incorrect proportions.

  • Grade A (4.0) ≥ -0.50 and ≤ 0.50
  • Grade B (3.0) ≥ -0.70 and ≤ 0.70
  • Grade C (2.0) ≥ -.85 and ≤ 0.85
  • Grade D (1.0) ≥ -1.00 and ≤ 1.00
  • Grade F (0.0) < -1.00 or > 1.00
Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.


Returns the height of the symbol.

Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.


Returns '1' if the model of the symbol has been successfully trained and '0' if the model is not trained.


Returns the number of columns in a trained QR Code or Data Matrix symbol.


Returns the number of rows in a trained QR Code or Data Matrix symbol.

GetLearnedSymbology(IDMax) Returns a string containing the 1D symbology currently learned in ReadIDMax.


Returns the mirrored status (0 = not mirrored, 1 = mirrored) of a Data Matrix or QR Code symbol.


Returns the ratio of the Minimum Edge Response (ECMin) to the average contrast of the barcode (except RSS Stacked barcodes). This test measures how consistent the contrast is throughout the barcode.

  • Grade A (4.0) ≥ .70
  • Grade B (3.0) ≥ .60
  • Grade C (2.0) ≥ .50
  • Grade D (1.0) ≥ .40
  • Grade F (0.0) < .40
Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.


Returns the size of the 2D module.


Returns the 2D symbol axial non-uniformity test result (except PDF417 symbols). Also referred to as axial non-uniformity, this is a measurement of whether the symbol is correctly proportioned for its grid size. For example, if a symbol having an equal number of rows and columns is not square, then it is considered to be non-uniform.

  • Grade A (4.0) ≥ 0.06
  • Grade B (3.0) ≥ 0.08
  • Grade C (2.0) ≥ 0.10
  • Grade D (1.0) ≥ 0.12
  • Grade F (0.0) > 0.12
Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.


Returns the number of found and decoded results.


Returns the undecoded data stream from a read symbol of a Code 128 symbol.


Returns the minimum (narrowest) element width for a Postal barcode. For 2D symbols, the average size, in pixels, of the cells is returned. Although not specifically a quality verification test, resolution measures the average size, in pixels, of an element (or cell) in a symbol. Each type of symbol has a minimum resolution specification:

  • Data Matrix: 4 pixels per element
  • QR Code: 4 pixels per element
  • PDF 417: 3 pixels per element
  • EAN/UCC Composite: 3 pixels per element

GetRow(IDMax, [Index1],[Index2])

Returns the row coordinate (in pixels) of the upper left-hand corner of a Postal symbol and the row (y) coordinate for 2D symbols at the indexed (0 to 3) finder pattern point. For more information, see Finder Pattern Points.The second index identifies the indexed symbol.

Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.


Returns the string from the indexed result, or result 0, if [Index] is not provided.

Note: If the string contains NULL (0x00), the function will automatically swap out the character with “<NUL>”.


Returns the string from the indexed result, based on the selected Translation Mode (0 - 3; default = 1), which specifies how the function will process non-printable ASCII characters.

  • When Translation Mode is set to 0, the function will not translate any non-printable ASCII characters (returns the raw string). This mode is useful when outputting multi-bytes character sets such as Unicode or Shift-JIS.
  • When Translation Mode is set to 1, the function will translate all non-printable ASCII characters (0-31, 127-255), using the following table:
0x00 "<NUL>"
0x01 "<SOH>"
0x02 "<STX>"
0x03 "<ETX>"
0x04 "<EOT>"
0x05 "<ENQ>"
0x06 "<ACK>"
0x07 "<BEL>"
0x08 "<BS>"
0x09 "<HT>"
0x0a "<LF>"
0x0b "<VT>"
0x0c "<FF>"
0x0d "<CR>"
0x0e "<SO>"
0x0f "<SI>"
0x10 "<DLE>"
0x11 "<DC1>"
0x12 "<DC2>"
0x13 "<DC3>"
0x14 "<DC4>"
0x15 "<NAK>"
0x16 "<SYN>"
0x17 "<ETB>"
0x18 "<CAN>"
0x19 "<EM>"
0x1a "<SUB>"
0x1b "<ESC>"
0x1c "<FS>"
0x1d "<GS>"
0x1e "<RS>"
0x1f "<US>"
0x7f "<DEL>"
Note: Non-printable ASCII characters that are not listed in the table will be translated as "<X>", where X is the decimal value.
  • When the Translation Mode is set to 2, the function will translate all non-printable ASCII characters except CR (0x0d) and LF (0x0a).
  • When the Translation Mode is set to 3, the function will not translate non-printable ASCII characters (returns the raw string), except the null characters that are replaced with "<NUL>".


Returns the symbology group selected for the ReadIDMax tool (0 = Data Matrix, 1 = QR Code, 2 = 1D/Stacked, 3 = Postal).



Returns the type of symbol, as a three-character code, based on the ISO 15424 specification.


Returns the unused error correction test result for a 2D symbol, as a percentage. This test measures the percentage of error correction contained in the symbol that does not have to be used for a successful decode. High quality symbols can be decode without having to use any error correction.

  • Grade A (4.0) ≥ 0.62
  • Grade B (3.0) ≥ 0.50
  • Grade C (2.0) ≥ 0.37
  • Grade D (1.0) ≥ 0.25
  • Grade F (0.0) < 0.25


Returns the width of the symbol.

Note: The Verify checkbox in ReadIDMax must be enabled.

Sets the minimum string length of the specified Symbology for the referenced IDMax structure. Only supports Pharmacode(255) and Interleaved 2 of 5 (73).