Emulation Panel

  • Use Emulator: When selected, this checkbox enables the offline programmer known as the In-Sight offline emulator. The emulator will start each time In-Sight Explorer is launched. To disable the emulator, clear this checkbox.

    CAUTION:  By unchecking Use Emulator, all local FTP services will be shut down including any WriteFTP, WriteImageFTP, control, or logging operations.
  • Model: Determines the emulator's behavior. The drop-down list includes all supported In-Sight vision systems, and the tools/functions that are available on those vision systems.

    • The emulator that launches is the last supported version of the Model, except Standard (default) that always launches the latest emulator. For example, when In-Sight 8405 is the selected Model, the 5.x.x emulator is launched. When In-Sight Micro 1400 is the selected Model, the 4.x.x emulator is launched. For a complete list of models and supported firmware versions, see Firmware Versions.
    • Depending on the emulator version (5.x.x or 4.x.x), the Working Emulator Directory will be different:
      • 5.x.x emulator: [ProgramData]\Cognex\In-Sight\Emulators\5.x.x
      • 4.x.x emulator: [ProgramData]\Cognex\In-Sight\Emulators\4.x.x

      For example, if a job is saved to a 4.x.x emulator (e.g., In-Sight Micro 1400) and then the emulator Model is changed to 5.x.x (e.g., Standard), when attempting to open a saved job from the Open dialog, the job is not listed in the dialog.

    • The above working emulator directory is used regardless of the installation location of In-Sight Explorer.
    • Certain acquisition functions (such as Partial Acquisition and Lighting Parameters) are not supported on emulators. It is possible to create these functions on a vision system that supports them and load that job to an emulator which does not support the functions. This may cause the AcquireImage function in cell A0 to report #ERR.
  • FTP Sever Logins: Defines the maximum number of simultaneous incoming FTP connections the emulator can accept (0 to 32; default = 20).
  • Authorized FTP Directory: Specifies a path for FTP services. This is an additional directory that can be used for FTP server access, where files and images can be accessed and stored, allowing the directory and any sub-directories to be accessible to the FTP server (in addition to the emulator's working directory).

    Note: This option requires that Use Emulator is checked. The FTP directory must be a rooted, local path (e.g., C:\...) with proper permissions to write to the directory. The FTP directory must also exist. Any attempts to access the Authorized FTP Directory must precisely match the specified path. For example, if the Authorized FTP Directory is C:\temp, any requests to store the file "abc.txt" to that directory must be of the format, "put c:\temp\abc.txt." If the command is specified as "put abc.txt" instead, the file will be placed in the emulator's directory.
  • Offline Programming Reference: Code number that is automatically generated based upon your PC's configuration. Use this Reference number to obtain an Offline Programming Key to unlock the emulator.
  • Offline Programming Key: If In-Sight Explorer does not detect any In-Sight vision systems on your network, you are required to enter an Offline Programming Key here, to configure In-Sight jobs locally in the In-Sight Offline emulator environment. To obtain a Key, access the In-Sight® Key Generator site and follow the instructions.

    CAUTION:  If you close the Options dialog without entering an Offline Programming Key, the Reference code will change. This will require you to obtain a new key upon reopening the dialog.
    • When attempting to enter the Offline Programming Key, the Run As dialog is displayed if you are logged into Windows as a Standard User and the User Account Control (UAC) is disabled. Provide the Administrator credentials to continue the operation. For more information, see Run As Dialog.
    • If you have purchased Offline programming licenses for any version of PC Host, then these licenses will work as valid Offline Programming Keys for In-Sight Explorer.
  • Help: Displays the Software Registration.