Get Connected

Welcome to EasyBuilder®, which provides a step-by-step approach to building machine vision applications, or jobs. The Get Connected step is used to connect to In-Sight vision systems, vision sensors and/or Emulators and configure their settings, and begin the job building process.

  • While building your job, save your work periodically by pressing CTRL+S. If the Allow Online Job Save checkbox on the User dialog is enabled, users with Full or Protected access are allowed to save jobs while Online. If the Allow Online Job Save checkbox is not enabled, the vision system must be Offline to save jobs. For more information, see User Access Settings Dialog.
  • An EasyBuilder Application Step can be disabled, depending on your access level, the task that is currently being performed or whether you are connected to a vision system or an emulator.

EasyBuilder Help

The EasyBuilder Help file is provided in two formats: Palette Help and Online Help. The EasyBuilder Palette Help is displayed in the Help tab of the Palette, and the EasyBuilder Online Help is in a Help System in CHM format with searching capabilities. To launch the EasyBuilder Online Help file, press the F1 keyboard, click the Help button on the Help tab of the Palette, or select EasyBuilder Help from the Help menu.