User Access Settings Dialog

The User Access Settings dialog is used to set the security mode of In-Sight vision systems. The User Access Settings dialog maintains the access level and FTP read/write privileges for authorized users of In-Sight vision systems and emulators. The User Access Settings determine which users may log onto a particular In-Sight vision system through the Log On/Off dialog, as well as the types of changes they can make to the active job. Each In-Sight vision system has its own User List, separate from every other vision system on the network. If a user needs access to a particular vision system, they must know a user name and password that already exists in that vision system's User List. 

User Access Settings Dialog Controls

To display the User Access Settings dialog, click User Access Settings from the Sensor menu.

  • Name: Specifies the user name that is used to log on to the vision system.
  • Access: Specifies the access level of the user. This sets the user permissions on a granular scale, with three levels possible: Full, Protected and Locked.
  • View: Specifies the view after successful log on when the Job View is the Spreadsheet View. If Normal is specified, the Spreadsheet View is displayed after log on. If Custom is specified, the Custom View is displayed after log on.

    • For the Full access-level users, the initial view is specified. Once logged on, the user can toggle between the Spreadsheet View and Custom View by pressing F6 or by clicking the Custom View button in the Job Display Toolbar.
    • The Protected or Locked access level users are only allowed to access the Custom View.
  • FTP-R: Specifies the FTP Read privilege, which controls whether the user is allowed to load jobs onto the vision system. Yes indicates that the user is allowed to load jobs. No indicates the user cannot load jobs.
  • FTP-W: Specifies the FTP Write privilege, which controls whether the user is allowed to save jobs on the vision system. Yes indicates that the user is allowed to save jobs. No indicates the user cannot save jobs.
  • Online/Offline: Specifies whether the user is allowed to change the Online/Offline status of the vision system. Enabled indicates that the user is allowed to transition the vision system between Online/Offline states. Disabled indicates the user cannot transition the vision system between Online/Offline states.
  • Online Job Save: Specifies whether the user is allowed to save jobs when the vision system is Online. Enabled indicates that the user is allowed to save jobs while Online. Disabled indicates the user cannot save jobs while Online.

Create a New User

  1. Click Add.

  2. Enter an alphanumeric string for the User Name field.

    Note: The length of the User Name and Password strings cannot exceed 15 characters (the User Name must be from 1 and 15 characters, and the Password must be from 0 and 15 characters). Valid characters include letters, numeric digits and "_" and "-".
  3. Enter a password for the new user.
  4. Retype the password in the Verify Password field.

  5. Select an access level for the new user from the Access drop-down list. The access level controls how much interaction is allowed for the current user to prevent inadvertent or unauthorized changes to the configuration. The selected access level is in effect whenever anyone logs on to In-Sight Explorer with the selected User Name and Password. Three access levels are available:
    • Full: This offers complete, unrestricted access to the In-Sight vision system. Any job can be loaded, modified or saved, and all menu selections are available. The default admin user account has Full access.
    • Protected: The user has limited access to the vision system. Protected mode allows you to access Live Video mode, toggle the Online/Offline status of the vision system (if permitted by your Allow Online/Offline privileges), open or save jobs (if permitted by your FTP Read/Write privileges) and customize the appearance of the interface through the Options dialog. In EasyBuilder View, Protected access allows you to edit tool parameters, but not to add or delete tools. In Spreadsheet View, Protected access always displays the Custom View of the spreadsheet. A user in Protected mode can edit the values of any Graphics Controls functions visible in the Custom View, but cannot change the functions themselves. The default operator user account has Protected access.
    • Locked: This offers the most restrictive access. You can only monitor the operation of the current In-Sight vision system. The default monitor user account has Locked access.
  6. Optionally, uncheck Show Custom View at Log On to display the Spreadsheet View after successful log on when the Job View is the Spreadsheet View. By default, this is checked and the Custom View is displayed at log on. This checkbox is always grayed out when the selected access level is Protected or Locked.

    • By default, this is unchecked for the pre-configured admin user.
    • When checked, "Custom" is displayed in the View column in the User Access Settings dialog. When unchecked, "Normal" is displayed in the View Column in the User Access Settings dialog.
  7. Optionally, uncheck Allow Online/Offline to restrict users with Protected access from toggling the Online/Offline state of the vision system. This checkbox is always grayed out when the selected access level is Full or Locked. For more information, see Online/Offline.
  8. Optionally, check Allow Online Job Saveto allow users with Full or Protected access to save jobs while online. This checkbox is grayed out when the selected access level is Locked.

    • When checked, users with Protected access can save jobs while online even if the FTP Write privilege is not enabled.
    • If the Allow Online Job Save checkbox is checked and the job is running at the maximum possible trigger rate, triggers may be missed while saving the job.

  1. Specify the user's FTP, Read and Write privileges. FTP Read privileges apply to opening job or image files from the In-Sight vision system, while FTP Write privileges apply to saving jobs or images to the In-Sight vision system. Additionally, these permissions are in effect when the user attempts to log on to the active In-Sight system from a remote FTP client on the network.
  2. Click OK.

Modify an Existing User

  1. Highlight a user from the list.
  2. Click Edit.

  3. Modify user settings as necessary. See the preceding section on creating a new user for a detailed description of the user options.

    • If the admin password is changed, you must log off then log back on to the vision system with the new password or errors may occur. For more information, see Error Messages.
    • The Access level, Allow Online/Offline privileges, FTP privileges and User Name for admin cannot be modified.
    • The Show Custom View at Log On checkbox affects only the Spreadsheet View; EasyBuilder does not support Custom Views.

Delete a User

Note: The admin user cannot be deleted.
  1. Highlight a user in the list.
  2. Click Delete.

  3. Confirm the deletion.