Starting or Opening an EasyBuilder Job

  • The Job files created on the In-Sight 2000 series vision sensors are not compatible with those created on any other In-Sight models.
  • An "EasyBuilder Only" vision system cannot open EasyBuilder jobs that have been edited in the Spreadsheet View.
  • EasyBuilder cannot modify jobs created in the Spreadsheet View of In-Sight Explorer. If a spreadsheet job is opened, the remaining Application Steps become disabled. You can, however, work on the job from within the In-Sight Explorer environment by clicking Spreadsheet on EasyBuilder's View menu.
  • If an EasyBuilder job was created using In-Sight 4.7.3 or earlier and loaded to a vision system running In-Sight 5.x.x firmware, symbolic tags (EasyBuilder tags) within the job may be removed.