Creating a Custom Font

  1. To define a Custom Font, click the Settings tab and press the Train Font button. This will launch the Train Font dialog, where you can configure the text for your application.

    Note: You can use up to four custom fonts (for example, "Custom_1," "Custom_2," "Custom_3" and "Custom_4") within a single job.
  2. Under the Training tab, enter a custom name for your font, if necessary (this is especially helpful if you'll have more than one font library).
  3. Set the Polarity of your characters: if the characters you'll be training are lighter than their surrounding background, then select Light on Dark, otherwise, choose Dark on Light.

    Note: Ensure that you set the correct character Polarity before clicking Add to Font; Polarity cannot be changed once character models have been added to the font.
  4. Enter the expected text string. Ensure that the expected text string's casing matches that of the model characters (upper and lower case), and add spaces to the expected string if there are spaces in the model.
  5. Once you've entered your text string, click the Segment button. Ensure that each character has an individual region and identifier; if not, use the Segment Adjustments to perform the following:
    • Press the Modify button to adjust the region surrounding a particular character instance.
    • Press the Relabel button to assign a new name to a character instance.
    • Press the Delete button to remove a character instance.
  6. If you're satisfied with the identification of your characters, click the Add to Font button. Your font will now contain instances for each character that was identified from your expected String.
  7. Your font now contains several Character Models, which may contain multiple instances. All characters, including spaces and punctuation, are segmented and given Character Models.
  8. At this point, you can browse through your Character Models and add, delete, edit, rename or enable/disable any particular Character Model or character instance.

    Note: A trained font can be shared between Read Text Identification Tools when more than one custom font is added to the job.
  9. Once you're satisfied with your trained font, press the OK button.