PatMax RedLine Pattern and PatMax Pattern Presence/Absence Tools - Model and Search Tabs

The Model and Search tabs are used to configure composite region for the Model and Search regions of the tool. Composite regions are a collection of sub-regions (Rectangle, Annulus, Circle or Polygon) that either Add to the region (the region will be included in the image analysis) or Subtract from the region (the region will be excluded from the image analysis; also known as "masking").

  • In the Model tab, the composite regions are only enabled after pressing the Model Region button.
  • A maximum of 32 sub-regions can be used to construct a composite region.
  • A right-click menu is available while interacting with the region in the image, which allows you to change a selected sub-region's shape, add or remove a sub-region, or change a selected sub-region's Operation (Add or Subtract).