PatMax RedLine Patterns, PatMax Patterns and Patterns

Note: The PatMax RedLine Pattern Location Tool and PatMax RedLine Patterns (1-10) Location Tool are only available on In-Sight vision systems running In-Sight firmware 5.2.0 and later. For a complete list of models and supported firmware versions, see Firmware Versions.

The PatMax RedLine Patterns, PatMax Patterns and Patterns locate trained Models of patterns, and they offer the highest accuracy among the location and inspection tools. However, PatMax RedLine Patterns and PatMax Patterns are more powerful than the Patterns, accounting for greater changes in lighting conditions and the pattern’s position. They also offer superior recognition of changes to the pattern’s scale and rotation, occlusion of elements of the pattern, and changes in the pattern’s appearance due to lighting variations.

The main difference between the PatMax RedLine Patterns and PatMax Patterns is the speed; the PatMax RedLine Pattern uses the latest pattern matching algorithm and can locate trained features in a 5 megapixel image up to 7x faster than PatMax Patterns. Therefore, PatMax RedLine Patterns is ideal for high resolution vision systems.

The Patterns (in most cases) is faster than the PatMax, but certain situations require the accuracy and reliability of the PatMax RedLine or PatMax version:

  • When variations in lighting and reflections are difficult to control. For example, metal parts can reflect light in random directions.
  • When the pattern being inspected is similarly shaped or shaded in comparison to something in the background, or the pattern is being overlapped or partially hidden by other objects in the image.
  • When you want to accurately recognize one type of pattern from other, similar, patterns.
  • When the conditions of your deployment environment are too demanding for the Patterns Tool to perform consistently and reliably.