Testing Your Job with TestRun™

TestRun™ performs tests on the In-Sight vision system and compares the results of those tests against expected values. TestRun consists of the following tests for an In-Sight vision system:

  • Limit Tests: Looks at a list of parameters and determines if the current value is within the upper and lower limits, as configured for that parameter. These parameter settings can be configured by users directly within the job, discrete inputs read into the job or values sent by an external device through a communication protocol.
  • Image Tests: Sends a series of known quality images ("good" and "bad") to a vision system and determines if the results from the current job match the expected results for each image.
  • Hardware Tests: Compares the image quality of a current image from the vision system to the expected image quality to determine if changes in camera position, focus, lighting, etc., have occurred.

Before Using TestRun

Note: TestRun is only available to users with Full Access privileges.

TestRun assumes the following:

  • The machine vision application has already been developed and saved as a .job file on an In-Sight vision system.
  • In the Get Connected step, a connection to the vision system has been established and the .job file loaded.
  • An image database containing the images used in the application has been created.
Note: Ideally, the image database will include examples of "good" images (images that result in a Pass) and "bad" images (images that result in a Fail). TestRun is able to operate with a variety of file organization structures for the image database, however, sorting the images into separate "good" and "bad" folders prior to launching TestRun will simplify the process.

Using TestRun

After connecting to the desired In-Sight vision system and loading the appropriate .job file to the vision system, TestRun configuration may begin. TestRun is configured using the TestRun Setup Dialog, which offers a step-by-step series of screens to program TestRun. A navigational pane is provided on the left side of the dialog, from which any of the setup screens can be selected.

Note: After the initial configuration of TestRun, any of the steps can be revisited by simply selecting the step in the step in the navigational pane.

Configuring TestRun

  1. In the Palette, click on the TestRun tab.

    Note: If the Palette is not visible, from the View menu, select Palette.
  2. Press the Configure button to launch the TestRun Setup Dialog.
  3. Follow the step-by-step series of screens to configure TestRun. For more information about configuring TestRun, see TestRun™ - EasyBuilder View.