In-Sight Files

The In-Sight Files pane can display two different sets of information:

  • Initially, the In-Sight Files pane displays all In-Sight vision systems detected on the network as well as any Explorer Host Table entries.
  • Double-clicking on a device displays the files and any enabled, configured RAM Disk folders and SD Card folders on that device.

Display/Hide the In-Sight Files Pane

From the View menu, click In-Sight Files.

Note: You may see AAF files (*.aaf) in the In-Sight Files pane. AAF files are audit messages saved to the In-Sight flash memory when the Audit Message Server is unreachable. Once the connection to the Audit Message Server is reestablished, the AAF files are sent one at a time, and deleted upon receipt of the expected response from the Audit Message Server.

Drag-and-Drop Files

Files can be dragged from both the In-Sight Files pane and Microsoft Windows Explorer folders to any device within the In-Sight Network pane. This is equivalent to a Copy operation.

  • The vision system's title bar indicates the vision system name and file name of the active job. If you drag-and-drop the job file from your PC, the title bar does not display the job name until the job is saved to the vision system.
  • If drag-and-dropping a job file from the PC, the Sensor Status View displays the Current Job as "Drag And Drop Job" until the job is saved to the vision system.

Copy, Delete and Rename

Right-clicking a file from the In-Sight Files pane presents a shortcut menu allowing you to copy, delete and rename files.

Copied jobs can be pasted to other In-Sight vision systems, emulators or SD Cards. Copied images can be pasted as well, but note that for In-Sight vision systems, the pasted file will replace image.bmp and image.jpg as the active image on the destination vision system, rather than retaining the original filename.

Note: image.bmp, image.jpg, image2.bmp and image4.bmp cannot be pasted to an emulator.

Non-Deletable Files

The following In-Sight system files cannot be deleted:

  • Contains In-Sight host table entries.
  • image.jpg: The active image.
  • image.bmp: The active image.
  • image2.bmp: ½ high by ½ wide version of the active image (firmware 2.60 and greater).
  • image4.bmp: ¼ high by ¼ wide version of the active image (firmware 2.60 and greater).
  • proc.set: Contains network configuration and vision system settings.

Images cannot be stored as "files" on an In-Sight vision system. If an image file is dragged to a vision system's In-Sight File pane or active view, it will become the active image on that vision system. In-Sight emulators, however, are able to store images with arbitrary file names.

SD Card Folder

If an SD Card is installed to a vision system, the SD Card folder is displayed in the In-Sight File pane. The SD Card supports jobs/images (Save and Open dialog) and cell data (Export/Import Cells dialog, ExportData and ImportData functions).

  • The SD Card does not support the following dialogs and features: Record/Playback Options and Filmstrip.
  • Use the following path to access a file in the SD Card: SDCARD/filename.type
  • The time that the file is created on the SD card will not be accurate unless the SNTP service is enabled and the SNTP server can acquire the network time. For more information, see Date/Time Settings Dialog.

RAM Disk Folder

If a vision system or emulator has an enabled and configured RAM Disk folder, the RAM folder is displayed in the In-Sight File pane. For more information, see RAM Disk Settings Dialog.