
Used in conjunction with a Repeat or RepeatUntil function, stores the results of a cell.For more information, see Repeat, RepeatUntil and Create a Loop of Spreadsheet Cells

  • When used in conjunction with the Repeat or RepeatUntil functions to generate a loop, the StoreData function should be placed inside the loop of spreadsheet cells being iterated.
  • The StoreData function stores data in a "first in, first out" manner, meaning that when a new result is stored, it is inserted into the buffer at index zero, and all of the other stored results will be shifted one position in the buffer.
  • The StoreData function does not store the data it contains when the job file is saved; any StoreData function that is saved in a job file will be automatically reset when the job is reloaded.
  • If a stored cell contains a reference to an input image, the input image will not be stored and if referenced by a GetValue function, will only display the graphics unique to the stored cell.For more information, see GetValue.
  • If referencing a cell containing an InspectEdge, InspectEdgeForDefect, InspectEdgePosition, InspectEdgeTrainBeadPath or InspectEdgeWidth function, the edge detection indicator dotted yellow line will be missing from the region graphic.
  • If referencing a cell containing a BlobToBlob, BlobToLine, BlobToPoint, or BlobToRadian function, their externally referenced blob graphics will not be displayed.


Syntax: StoreData(Event,Data,Number of Steps,Manual Reset,Online Reset)

Parameter Description


Specifies the event on which to read thespecified Data. This parameter must be a reference to one of the following:

  • The Image data structure in cell A0, containing the AcquireImage function. For more information, see AcquireImage.
  • A cell containing an Event function. For more information, see Event.
  • A cell containing a Button function. For more information, see Button.


Specifies a reference to a cell containing a results structure.Any cell containing numeric or string values may be referenced.

Note: The StoreData function cannot be used with the following functions: The Image functions, DetectFlaw, FlexFlawModel, ReadIDMax, TrainFlawModel, TrainPatMaxPattern, ValidateIDData, VerifyIDCode.

Number of Steps

Specifies the number of repetitive iterations; 1 to 5000.


Specifies an event on which the stored data will be reset.


The values will be reset based on acell containing a Button function.


The data will be reset when the In-Sight vision system is placed Online.



A Data data structurecontaining result data for the specified Dataover an interval from Reset tocurrent.