Configured Tags (Server Runtime)

The Configured Tags pane is a portion of the Server Runtime window. It displays all configured tags on the server.

Tool Bar Icons

Displays the Options dialog.

Displays the Write Tag Data dialog, which allows you to modify the value of any writable (Access = ReadWrite) tag.

Note: Write Tag Data is enabled when the server is in Running mode and a writable tag (Access = ReadWrite) is selected in the Configured Tags pane.

Table Entries

Server's Configured Tags

Lists each configured tag and the sensor on which it lives in the format of <SensorName>.<TagName>


Indicates whether the tag is read-only or read-writable.

Data Type

Indicates the type of data being represented by the tag (String, Boolean, Floating Point or Integer).


The value associated with the OPC tag.


The quality indicator of the tag.