OPC Classic Server Limits

The following constraints apply when working with the In-Sight OPC Classic Server:

Operating Parameter Limit

Allowable characters in a tag name

See the OPC Tag Naming Rules.

Allowable characters in a sensor name

Upper case alphabetic characters ( A-Z )

Lower case alphabetic characters ( a-z )

Numeric characters ( 0-9 )

Colon ( : )

Underscore ( _ )

Hyphen ( - )

Period ( . )

Length of OPC Tag name (minimum)

1 character

Length of OPC Tag name (maximum)

31 characters

Length of sensor name (minimum)

1 character

Length of sensor name (maximum)

63 characters

Number of event log entries (minimum)


Number of event log entries (maximum)


Number of OPC Tags that can be assigned to a single cell


Writable In-Sight spreadsheet cell types1

EditFloat, EditInt and EditString