About Event Logging

The In-Sight OPC Classic Server Event Log maintains a history of various events that occur during configuration and while the server is in its Running state.

Events can be generated from different sources. The following table lists common events that are logged, along with a description of the event:

Event Source

Event Description

What This Means...


Connection Closed

The OPC Classic Server has disconnected from the sensor.


Connection Dropped

The socket was closed. This can occur when Telnet recycling is enabled.


Connection Established

The OPC Classic Server was able to successfully connect to the sensor.


Connection Rejected

This message can occur under the following circumstances:

  • The target device is a PC, but an In-Sight emulator is not running on the PC.
  • A 'PUT PORTNUM' Native Mode command has been issued to the sensor that changed the default communication port. In this case, the OPC Classic Server is unable to connect to the default port on the sensor. To remedy this case: telnet to the sensor, log on and type: PUT PORTNUM 50000 to reestablish the default communication port.


Incorrect Logon

Either the server is configured with an incorrect logon for the sensor, or the sensor has a User Name or Password which does not match the OPC Server's configuration.



The OPC configuration was loaded and initialized.


Log On Successful

The supplied user credentials were accepted by the sensor.


No Response Received

This message can occur when communication to the sensor is lost (for example, if the sensor is disconnected from the network.)


OPC Failed to Initialize

OPC is not supported on this sensor. Please verify the following:

  • The sensor is an In-Sight 3400 or 5000-series sensor.
  • The sensor has firmware 3.1.0 (or greater).

If the sensor does not have at least 3.1.0 firmware, use In-Sight Explorer to update the firmware to the latest version.


Connection Closed

The OPC Classic Server has disconnected from the sensor.


Connection Established

The sensor has acknowledged the OPC Classic Server.


Failed to Send Data

This error can occur:

  • When attempting to write data to an OPC tag if the cell associated with the tag does not contain an EditFloat, EditInt or EditString function. Note that these are the only functions that can be written via OPC, even if the Access is configured to be 'ReadWrite' in the OPC Classic Server's Configuration Editor.
  • When attempting to write data that is outside the range of allowable values for the function contained in the cell associated with the OPC tag. For example: a number that exceeds the maximum value specified in an EditInt cell, or a string whose length exceeds the maximum string length defined in an EditString function.
  • If a network error occurred while attempting to send data to the sensor.

Configuration File

Config file was not found

Either you have not yet created a configuration, or have saved an empty one.

Configuration File

New configuration was written

A new configuration has been saved.



The OPC Classic Server has been placed into its Running state.


All clients disconnected

The OPC Classic Server has been disconnected from each sensor in its configuration.


No sensors found in configuration

The configuration does not contain any sensors.


DNS Resolution Failed

The OPC Classic Server was unable to resolve the specified DNS name into an IP address; therefore, it was unable to establish communication with the sensor.


Library Failed to Load

An internal error has occurred. Please contact Technical Support.


Server offline, clients still connected

The server is suspended (no longer Running), but remote clients are still connected to it.


XML Error

A communication error has occurred between the OPC Classic Server and sensor. Please contact Technical Support.

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