Configuring Mitsubishi Ethernet Native String Robot Communications

Data from EasyBuilder jobs, such as individual tool or job results, can be communicated with a robot controller. Once the data has been selected and formatted into a string, the robot controller can request the data by sending a single In-Sight Native Mode command, GetValue (GVJob.Robot.FormatString), which returns all of the data formatted in the string.

Note: The In-Sight 2000 series vision sensor does not support robot controllers.

To format your data into a string for Native Mode communications:

Note: The In-Sight vision system must be Offline to enable these controls.
  1. Press the Add button to launch the Select Output Data dialog, which contains the data from any Location or Inspection Tools that were added to your job, and additional job data, such as acquisition and input data.
  2. From the Select Output Data dialog, select the data that you want sent from the In-Sight vision system, and press the OK button. A maximum of 40 data items may be selected for one string.
  3. After you have added your data, the order of the data to be sent can be modified by selecting a data item from the list and clicking either the Up or Down buttons to set your desired order. Also, by pressing the Remove button, you can delete unwanted items.
  4. If one of the data items is a Floating Point Data Type, the Decimal Points control will become enabled, and the number of decimal places for floating point values may be set (0-6; default = 3).
  5. In the window to the right of the data list, the formatted string is displayed, as well as the string length (number of characters in the string), for reference purposes. A comma is automatically inserted to delimit the values within the string.
  6. Once the string has been formatted, the robot controller can request the data string by sending the single In-Sight Native Mode command, GetValue (GVJob.Robot.FormatString).