CC-Link Communications

Note: CC-Link is only available on In-Sight vision systems using In-Sight firmware 4.x.x, and is not available on In-Sight vision systems running In-Sight firmware 5.1.0 and later.

The CC-Link protocol is used to transfer data to and from In-Sight vision systems connected to the In-Sight CIO-Micro-CC I/O module and a Mitsubishi PLC/Motion Controller. CC-Link communications are established between the CC-link connection on the In-Sight CIO-Micro-CC I/O module, and the CC-Link connection on the Mitsubishi PLC/MC.

Note: To enable CC-Link communication, the In-Sight vision system must be connected to the In-Sight CIO-Micro-CC I/O module.

Configuring an In-Sight vision system to communicate with a Mitsubishi PLC/MC via CC-Link first involves setting the parameters in the CC-Link Settings tab, and then configuring the data that will be transferred to and from the Mitsubishi PLC/MC and the In-Sight vision system.