Configuring Input and Output Lines

  1. Optionally, press the I/O Module button to open the I/O Module Configuration dialog. Configure the I/O module and press the OK button to close the I/O Module Configuration dialog. After the first successful connection between the vision system and the I/O module, an "(attached)" message is displayed next to the I/O module in the list. After you have successfully connected to an I/O Module, you can begin customizing the lines.
  2. Select an input or output line to configure. The number of accessible inputs and outputs varies per In-Sight model and applicable I/O module. Please see this topic for more information.
  3. In-Sight 7000 Gen2 Series and 9912 only: If the line supports a bi-directional I/O, select Input or Output from the Direction drop-down.
  4. You can customize the default line Name by entering a new name specific to your application. The name may include up to 15 bytes, for reference purposes only; it does not change the functionality of the line and cannot be referenced.
  5. Next, define a Signal Type for the selected input line. Each line can be configured for one of the following functions:

    Input Signal Type Description
    User Data

    General-purpose input line; used to turn Location and Inspection Tools On or Off.

    Reset Counters

    Resets the EasyBuilder counters (Job.Fail_Count, Job.Inspection_Count, Job.Pass_Count, <Tool>.Error_Count, <Tool>.Fail_Count and <Tool>.Pass_Count) to 0.

    • This Signal Type only works when the vision system is Online.
    • Only one input line can be configured for Reset Counters.
    • When a new job is created after setting one of the input lines to Reset Counters, the new job automatically reverts the input line to Event Trigger (blank, when using the In-Sight 2000 series vision sensor).

    Event Trigger

    Triggers an event, through logic created in the Spreadsheet View. For an Event Trigger to update the spreadsheet, the spreadsheet must contain an Event structure with its Trigger parameter set to this discrete input line number.


    Job ID Number

    Provides one bit of a Job ID Number, which is loaded when the State of a different input line with a Type of Job Load Switch is ON.

    • To use the Job ID Number function, the job to be loaded must be saved with a numerical prefix of 0 to 127.
    • The least significant bit of the Job ID Number corresponds to the lowest numbered discrete input line on your I/O module.


    Forces the In-Sight vision system Offline or Online (0 = Offline, and 1 = Online).This input type may not be used on more than one input line simultaneously.

    Note: When the Signal Type is set to Online, the vision system may still be Offline if it has been set Offline manually in the In-Sight Explorer user interface or a Native Mode Set Online command, SO0, has been issued telling the vision system to go Offline.

    Acquisition Trigger
    (Not supported on In-Sight 2000 series sensors or the CIO-1400)

    Triggers the vision system to acquire an image. This input type may not be used on more than one input line simultaneously.

    • The Trigger parameter in the Edit Acquisition Settings group box must be set to External to use the Acquisition Trigger input and a signal line must be physically connected to the input of the In-Sight vision system to use the Acquisition Trigger input.
    • Faster trigger rates can be achieved by using the vision system's built-in acquisition trigger input (by setting the Trigger to Camera) versus triggering the vision system with a general-purpose input line configured as an Acquisition Trigger (by setting the Trigger to External).
    • If the Trigger parameter is set to External and an acquisition is missed, the ERR: Missed Acquisition output will not be sent from the vision system; the ERR: Missed Acquisition signal is only supported when the Trigger parameter is set to Camera.

    Job Load Switch

    ON reads all Job ID Number lines and loads the specified job.This input type may not be used on more than one input line simultaneously.

    Note: The vision system must be Offline.

    Job Change (Pulsed)

    (Only supported on In-Sight 2000 series sensors using Direct I/O)

    Initiates a job change based on the detection of input pulses, differentiated by the width of the pulses. The pulses are generated by an external device (such as a PLC), and sent to the In-Sight 2000 sensor. First, the external device issues a start pulse. Next, the external device issues count pulses, with a pulse gap between each count pulse. Finally, the external devices issue a stop pulse.

    Pulse Type Pulse Length
    Start Pulse 20ms (±2ms)
    Count Pulse 10ms (±1ms)
    Pulse Gap 10ms (± 1ms)
    Stop Pulse 20ms (±2ms)

    When all pulses and pulse gaps match the specified pulse lengths, the job change request is successful, and the job is loaded to the sensor. If any of the conditions fail (i.e., an incorrect pulse or incorrect pulse gap timing), the job change request fails, and no job change takes place.

    • This Signal Type only works when the vision system is Online.
    • To use the Job Change (Pulsed) function, you must have at least one job saved, and the job must be saved with a numerical prefix of 0 to 31 in the format of #jobfilename.job (e.g., 1PinInspection.job). The number of count pulses issued must correspond with the numerical prefix of the job to be loaded.
    • The SetSystemConfig("PulseJobChangeTiming") Native Mode command can be used to configure the pulse widths of the Start Pulse, Count Pulse, Pulse Gap and Stop Pulse.
    • Optionally, a discrete output line can be configured as a Job Load OK or Job Load Failed type to pulse the output, and report the success or failure of the job change request.

    Serial Receive
    (Direct I/O Only)

    Configures this line as a serial reception line.

    • This Signal Type is only valid for input line 1 when Direct I/O is selected.
    • There are two options for enabling serial communication for the In-Sight 70xx - 74xx series vision system: using the Breakout cable or using the CIO-MICRO or CIO-MICRO-CC I/O module. When connected to the Breakout cable (and there is no connection to an I/O module), the vision system allows one discrete input line and one discrete output line to be configured as Serial Receive and Serial Transmit, respectively.
    • If the In-Sight 70xx - 74xx series vision system is configured for use with the CIO-MICRO or CIO-MICRO-CC I/O module, the RS-232 TRANSMIT and RS-232 RECEIVE pins on the Breakout cable are disabled. Use the I/O module's RS-232 OUT port (DB9) to connect to a serial device.
  6. Select an Edge Type for the selected input line, which controls the sensitivity of the input line to edge transitions.

    • Rising Edge: Changes the state of the input line on the leading edge of a pulse.
    • Falling Edge: Changes the state of the input line on the falling edge of a pulse.
    • Both Edges: Changes the state of the input line on the leading edge and falling edge of a pulse. This option is only available when Event Trigger is the selected Type.
  7. Next, define a Signal Type for the selected output line. Each line can be configured for one of the following functions:

    Output Signal Type Description
    Job Result (default) Enables a Location or Inspection Tool's result to control the State of this output line. Either pulsed or steady-state.
    High Forces the output to HIGH (1).
    Low Forces the output to LOW (0).
    Acquisition Start

    Signals the vision system has initiated an acquisition. Always pulsed.

    Note: For the In-Sight 8405 vision system, the Acquisition Start signal is pulsed when the first pixel row is exposed.
    Acquisition End

    Signals the completion of vision system acquisition. Always pulsed.

    Note: For the In-Sight 8405 vision system, the Acquisition End signal is pulsed when the total image readout is complete.
    Job Completed Signals each time EasyBuilder has completed an update. Always pulsed.
    System Busy HIGH when the vision system is running a job or responding to user input, LOW when the vision system is idle..
    Job Load OK Signals the job loaded successfully. Always pulsed.
    Job Load Fail Signals the failure of a job load. Always pulsed.
    ERR: Missed Acquisition

    Signals that an acquisition trigger was received before an Acquisition End signal was sent, or that no image buffer was available for image acquisition when an acquisition trigger was received. Always pulsed.

    Note: The Trigger parameter in the Edit Acquisition Settings group box of the Set Up Image step must be set to Camera to use the ERR: Missed Acquisition output.
    ERR: Tracking Overrun

    Signals that EasyBuilder issued a delayed discrete output signal sometime after the time it was expected. Always pulsed.

    Note: This signal is not supported on CIO-1400 and CIO-MICRO.
    ERR: Tracking Queue Full Signals that EasyBuilder issued a delayed discrete output for a line where a different output had been previously scheduled to occur at the same time. Always pulsed.
    Online/Offline HIGH (1) when the vision system is Online, LOW (0) when the vision system is Offline.
    Strobe The rising or falling edge of the signal can be used to trigger a strobe.
    Light Control
    (CIO-1460 Only)
    The rising or falling edge of the signal can be used to trigger a light.
    I/O Module Standby
    (CIO-1450 and CIO-1460 Only)

    ON means that the I/O module has detected a communication error between the vision system and the I/O module, and is trying to re-establish communication. The line turns OFF when the I/O module detects that the error condition has been corrected.

    Note: This output type is only valid for lines 0 - 7 when configuring the CIO-1450 or CIO-1460.
    HIGH when the vision system is actively connected to the CIO-MICRO or CIO-MICRO-CC. LOW when the connection with the vision system fails.

    Enables a Waveform function, WriteWaveformPulseTrain or WriteWaveformClocked, in the spreadsheet to control the State of this output line.

    Note:  This option requires access to the Spreadsheet View.
    Serial Transmit

    Configures the line as a serial transmission line.

    • Serial Transmit is only available when connecting to an In-Sight 70xx - 74xx series vision system with In-Sight Explorer 4.7.1 or later, and using In-Sight 4.7.1 or later firmware.
    • This output type is only valid for output line 1 when Direct I/O is selected.
    • There are two options for enabling serial communication for the In-Sight 70xx - 74xx series vision system: using the Breakout cable or using the CIO-MICRO or CIO-MICRO-CC I/O module. When connected to the Breakout cable (and there is no connection to an I/O module), the vision system allows one discrete input line and one discrete output line to be configured as Serial Receive and Serial Transmit, respectively.
    Job Pass/Fail (In-Sight 7000 Gen2 Series and In-Sight 9000 Series Only) When selected, the vision system's Pass/Fail LED and indicator ring illuminate green (pass) or red (fail) based on the current state of the overall Job Pass/Fail status.
  8. Press the Details button to open the Output Details dialog for the selected output Line, if detailed settings are available for the specified output Signal Type.
  9. Optionally, check the De-Energize Outputs While Offline checkbox to de-energize the outputs when the vision system is placed Offline.

    Note: If the De-Energize Outputs While Offline checkbox is checked and the CIO-MICRO or CIO-MICRO-CC I/O module has an output line configured as a LifeLine signal type, the line will remain HIGH when the connected vision system is placed Offline.
  10. Optionally, use the Force option to test or debug your application, prior to or after deployment. The Force option overrides the defined line settings, allowing you to "force" an input or output line On, to test the result while the In-Sight sensor is Online.
    1. Choose the line you would like to test.
    2. Set the Force setting to On. This action will "force" the line to perform its configured action.
    3. Place the vision system Online and trigger the vision system.
    4. Once you have finished testing the line, place the vision system Offline and set the Force setting to Off or None.

    • For output lines, the Force functionality does not generate an actual output. It only changes the value of an output that would otherwise happen.
    • If you simply want to test the electrical connection on your output line, it is better to set the output line to "HIGH" or "LOW" instead of using Force, and then set the vision system Online. This will hold the output signal high or low as long as the vision system is switched to Online mode. You may then use a multimeter to determine whether your electrical path is working as expected.
  11. Any changes made to these settings are automatically saved to the vision system (not in the .job file) when you leave the step.