Defect Detection Tools - Edge

The Edge Defect Detection Tool constructs a best-fit line or circle, using edge analysis Caliper arrays to precisely locate edge features. Once the edge has been identified, the tool constructs a best-fit line or circle (depending on whether or not there is a curve in the edge feature) over the edge feature and determines if there are deviations in the edge, such as defects or gaps, and reports the number of defects and/or gaps encountered.

  • The tool reports results in pixels, unless the image was calibrated to real-world units in Set Up Image.
  • All input values are in pixels, regardless if the tool was calibrated to real-world units.

The Edge Defect Detection Tool is useful in situations where you want to ensure that your part or object doesn't have any edge features that have deviations, such as defects or gaps. For example, determining whether the outside of the part/object maintains the same shape, and doesn't have any small dents or nicks.