Defect Detection Tools - Bead Finder

The Bead Finder Defect Detection Tool identifies a bead feature (defined by a pair of edges), regardless of shape, by detecting the center of the bead and creating a region that can be used to inspect the width of the bead. The tool uses edge analysis Caliper arrays to precisely locate edge features. Once the bead feature has been identified, the tool plots the bead and reports any variations outside of tolerances in the bead's thickness as either defects or gaps.

  • The tool reports results in pixels, unless the image was calibrated to real-world units in Set Up Image.
  • All input values are in pixels, regardless if the tool was calibrated to real-world units.

The Bead Finder Defect Detection Tool is useful in situations where you want to identify and verify the thickness of a bead feature, like a glue bead, that appears randomly within the Field of View (FOV).