Defect Detection Tools - Bead Tracker

The Bead Tracker Defect Detection Tool inspects the location, shape and width of a bead feature (defined by a pair of edges). Based on a user-created edge model of a bead feature, the tool uses edge analysis Caliper arrays to precisely locate edge features. Once the bead feature model has been created, during run-time operation, the tool compares the bead features in acquired images against the bead model to determine if the bead is in the correct position, and if there are deviations in the bead, such as defects or gaps, and reports the number of defects and/or gaps encountered.

  • The tool reports results in pixels, unless the image was calibrated to real-world units in Set Up Image.
  • All input values are in pixels, regardless if the tool was calibrated to real-world units.

The Bead Tracker Defect Detection Tool is useful in situations where you want to ensure that a bead feature, such as a welded bead, is in the same location and there aren't variations in the bead's shape or thickness.