Measurement Tools - Color Blob Area and Color Blob Areas (1-10)

The Color Blob Area and Color Blob Areas (1-10) Measurement Tools measure the area of the largest found blob feature, and reports the size of the largest blob. The Color Blob Area tool is used to measure a single blob, while the Color Blob Areas (1-10) tool is used to measure up to 10 blobs.

Note: The tool returns the results in pixels, unless the image was calibrated to real-world units (In-Sight vision systems) or Field of View (Width) was set to real-world units (In-Sight 2000 series vision sensors) in the Set Up Image application step.

The Color Blob Area and Color Blob Areas (1-10) tools reference a trained library of Color Model(s), and then determine the number of pixels present in the region that match the selected and trained Color Model(s) in the library. The tool then creates a binary greyscale output image, where every pixel that matches an active Color Model is set to White (255), while all other pixels are set to Black (0). Using this binary output image, the tool then searches the image for the blob features created by the active Color Model(s).