Store File

Saves the current job in flash memory on the In-Sight vision system, RAM Disk or SD Card.

  • If the Allow Online Job Save checkbox is enabled, users with Full or Protected access are allowed to save jobs while Online. If the Allow Online Job Save checkbox is not enabled, the vision system must be Offline to save jobs.

  • To save the current job file, with the specified filename, to the vision system's RAMDisk folder, the syntax is: TFRAMDisk/[Filename]. For example, to save the file "Test.job" to the vision system's RAMDisk folder, issue the following command: "TFRAMDisk/Test.job".
  • To save the current job file, with the specified file name, to the vision system's SD Card folder, the syntax is TFSDCARD/[Filename]. For example, to save the file "Test.job" stored to the vision system's SD Card folder, issue the following command: "TFSDCARD/Test.job".
  • The Job Server Settings dialog is used to configure an FTP server that will host In-Sight job files for the In-Sight vision system, which allows another device, such as a PLC or robot controller via the LF and TF Native Mode commands, to change jobs without specifying a location.

Store File Inputs

Syntax: TF[Filename]




The name of the job. The file extension must be .JOB.

Store File Outputs

Returns a status code, followed by a line terminator. The status codes are:

Status Codes Description

The command was executed successfully.


Unrecognized command.


The filename is missing.


The job failed to save, the vision system is Online or the file was not found, therefore the command could not be executed.


User does not have Full Access to execute the command. For more information, see User Access Settings Dialog.

Store File Example

To name the current job "Test" and save it in flash memory on the In-Sight vision system, issue the following command: TFTest.job

The In-Sight vision system responds with 1, indicating that the current job was successfully saved.