Pattern Match

The In-Sight Pattern Match tools locate features in an input image that exhibit maximum similarity to a trained pattern. This kind of pattern matching is also referred to as "template matching". The Pattern Match tools include the following functions:

PatMax RedLine™

The latest pattern matching tool that can locate trained features in a 5 megapixel image up to 7x faster than PatMax®. Ideal for high resolution In-Sight vision systems.

Note: The following functions are only available on In-Sight vision systems running In-Sight firmware 5.1.0 and later. For a complete list of models and supported firmware versions, see Firmware Versions.
  • FindPatMaxRedLine: Finds matches to a trained pattern using PatMax RedLine algorithms.
  • TrainPatMaxRedline: Extracts and trains a pattern from a greyscale image using PatMax RedLine algorithms.

PatMax RedLine Color

The only color pattern matching tool that can locate trained color features in the 24-bit color image without converting to greyscale.

Note: The TrainPatMaxRedLineColor and FindPatMaxRedLineColor functions are only available on In-Sight 7000 Gen2 series color vision systems and In-Sight 8000 series color vision systems running In-Sight firmware 5.6.0 and later. For a complete list of models and supported firmware versions, see Firmware Versions.
  • FindPatMaxRedLineColor: Finds matches to a trained color pattern using PatMax RedLine Color algorithms.
  • TrainPatMaxRedLineColor: Extracts and trains a color pattern from a color image using PatMax RedLine Color algorithms.


High speed and high accuracy pattern matching tool using a feature-based representations.

  • FindPatMaxPatterns: Finds matches to a trained pattern using PatMax algorithms.
  • TrainPatMaxPattern: Extracts and trains a pattern from an image using PatMax algorithms.


Pattern matching tool based on pixel grid representations.

  • FindPatterns: Trains and locates greyscale patterns.
  • SortPatterns: Sorts pattern match positions.