Reads (consumes) data sent by a remote client using EtherNet/IPprotocol.EtherNet/IP is an application-level protocol implemented on top of Ethernet and TCP/IP protocols, allowing the transfer of data in industrial environments over the Ethernet. For more information on the EtherNet/IP protocol, go to

  • For In-Sight vision systems running In-Sight 5.1.0 and later firmware, when a job containing this function is loaded, an error message will be displayed, because this function is not present in In-Sight 5.1.0 or later firmware. This function should be replaced by the ReadUserDataBuffer function. For more information, see ReadUserDataBuffer.
  • This function is only available on In-Sight vision systems running In-Sight firmware 4.x.x, and is not available on In-Sight vision systems running In-Sight firmware 5.1.0 and later. For a complete list of models and supported firmware versions, see Firmware Versions.
  • Although an In-Sight vision system can communicate with more than one device at the same time using EtherNet/IP protocol, it is not recommended to have more than one connection at a time.
  • In-Sight vision systems support both Explicit and Implicit EtherNet/IP messaging. For more information, see In-Sight Assembly Data Configuration (Implicit Messaging).ClosedSee Example.

    ReadEIP($A$0,"0d:4d:8s") in cell A4, reads 2 32 bit integers and a null terminated string from the PLC.

    GetBufferData($A$4,0) displays the first 32 bit integer.

    GetBufferData($A$4,1) displays the second 32 bit integer.

    GetBufferData($A$4,2) displays the string.

  • For more information, see Communicate with a Rockwell ControlLogix PLC.


Syntax: ReadEIP(Event,Mapping)


Specifies the update event on which to read data. This parameter must be a reference to one of the following:

  • The Image data structure in cell A0, containing the AcquireImage function. For more information, see AcquireImage.
  • A cell containing an Event function. For more information, see Event.
  • A cell containing a Button function. For more information, see Button.


Specifies a data mapping, which consists of a list of specifiers delimited by colon (:) characters. Each specifier has two parts:

  • The starting byte.
  • A data type code.

The data type codes are:

Code Data Type


8-bit integer


16-bit integer


32-bit integer


32-bit floating-point number


Text string

Example: The data mapping, "0i:1f:5d:9s" specifies that the first data item (at offset 0) is an 8-bit integer; the second item (at offset 1)is a 32-bit floating-point value; the third (at offset 5) is a 4-byte signed integer; and the rest of the packet (starting at offset 9) is a string.

Note: When using the Input Assembly Instance 12 included within the Major Revision 10, the maximum length for input data is 488 bytes. When using the Input Assembly Instance 11 included with the In-Sight Major Revision 4, the maximum length for input data is 492 bytes.



A ReadEIP data structure containing the data sent by a client. Or, #ERR if any input parameters are invalid or a connection from a client has not been established.


Data in the ReadEIP structure is accessed using the GetBufferData function. For more information, see Input/Output.