Batch Run

The Batch Run dialog is used to load multiple In-Sight job files for use by TestRun, and to execute the tests as a single operation.

Batch Run Dialog Controls

To display the Batch Run dialog, navigate to the TestRun tab of the Palette, and press the Batch Run button on the TestRun toolbar.

  • Selected Jobs table: Displays a checkbox, the job name, directory location, and the status of the job while in TestRun and after completion (pass/fail).
  • Add Jobs: Press to launch the Open dialog, which will be used to select one or more jobs and/or directories. If a directory is selected, all the .job files within the directory will be added.
  • Remove: Select a job and press to remove from the list of jobs.
  • Remove All: Selects all of the jobs in the list and removes them.
  • Load Job: Select a job from the table of jobs and press to load that job to the currently connected In-Sight Emulator or vision system.
  • Include All: Press to automatically enable all of the jobs in the table for inclusion in the batch operation.
  • Exclude All: Press to automatically disable all of the jobs in the table from the batch operation.
  • Report Location: Displays the directory location of the Batch Run report log.


    If the Report Location is set to use an FTP server, a slash must be used after the host name.

    • Correct:
    • Wrong:
  • Browse: Press to launch the Open dialog, which is used to specify the directory location for storing the Batch Run report log.
  • Report Name: Displays the name of the Batch Run report log.
  • Credentials: Press to launch the Credentials dialog, where user credentials are entered for access to the folder containing the jobs (if necessary). The user credentials should match those supplied in the Image Database Folder step of the TestRun configuration. For more information, see Image Database Folder.
  • Include date & time in report name: Specifies whether or not the date and time should be appended to the Batch Run report log file name. When enabled, a date/time stamp will be inserted between the name and the file format. For example, if the report's name is "MyReport" and the file format is XML, then the report name will be "MyReport.20121011_082345.xml."
  • Report Format: Specifies the file format of the Batch Run report (Plain Text, XML or HTML; default = XML).
  • Run: Press to begin the batch TestRun operations. A job and/or jobs must be selected, a report location specified and a report name created before the Run button is enabled. After pressing the Run button, the Status column of the Selected Jobs table will display the progress of the test execution.
  • Close: Press to exit the dialog.