
  • The GetAuthorizeApprover and the GetAuthorizeDateTime functions reference an Authorize function cell. For more information, see Authorize.
  • The GetAuthorizedValue function references a supported edit control cell that is referenced by the Authorize function.
  • The GetString function references a cell containing a ListBox function. For more information, see ListBox.




Returns the name of the approver that performed the last successful authorization when the Authorize function's Type is set to Authorize-Only or Double-Blind. Returns the name of the user who entered new values when Type is set to None.


Returns the date and time when the last successful authorization occurred. The format of the date and time: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.


Returns the authorized value of the referenced edit control. If the edit control has not been authorized, returns the current value.

Note: The GetAuthorizedValue function always returns a string type value. To use a numeric output of this function as an input to another function, use the Value function to convert it into a numeric value.


Returns the text string. If a cell containing the ListBox function is referenced, the text string that is currently selected from the list is returned.