WebPages Filmstrip $ Functions

The following $ functions can be called via scripts when an HMI Filmstrip element is on a WebPage:

Function Property Parameters (with Data Type) Description
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Clear N/A Clears the contents of the Filmstrip.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Continue N/A

Sets the Filmstrip in Live state from Frozen state.

$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Freeze N/A Sets the Filmstrip in Frozen state.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.Load N/A Loads a previously-exported Filmstrip archive into the Filmstrip. This function is only guaranteed to work with unmodified archive files, and can be called only if the Filmstrip is Frozen.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SaveAll N/A

Exports the contents of the Filmstrip along with the recorded values of all published tags into a compressed archive. By default, the archive is saved into the <X>:\Users\[Username]\Documents\In-Sight Vision Suite\ folder with the filmstrip.zip filename. This function can be called only if the Filmstrip is Frozen.

See the HMI Filmstrip Controls topic for more information on the contents of the exported archive.

$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectFirstItem N/A Selects the first acquisition on the Filmstrip. Calling this function freezes the Filmstrip.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectLastItem N/A Selects the last acquisition on the Filmstrip. Calling this function freezes the Filmstrip.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectNextItem N/A Selects the next acquisition on the Filmstrip. Calling this function freezes the Filmstrip.
$WebPages.WebPage.Filmstrip.SelectPreviousItem N/A Selects the previous acquisition on the Filmstrip. Calling this function freezes the Filmstrip.