File Management

  • This utility can also be used to configure multiple devices at the same time. To select multiple devices on the In-Sight® Device Pane, either press Shift + Left Click on the first and last devices in the list you want to configure, or press Ctrl + Left Click to select multiple devices one after the other.

The File Management utility allows you to:

  • View the contents of the internal storage of the vision system, or the contents of the following folder on the PC when using an In-Sight ViDi PC or In-Sight device:

    • For In-Sight ViDi devices:

      <X>:\ProgramData\Cognex\In-Sight\In-Sight ViDi PC\1.8.0\pubfs

    • For In-Sight devices:

      <X>:\ProgramData\Cognex\In-Sight\In-Sight ViDi PC\1.8.0\pubfs

  • Copy, move or delete files on the selected device without using a third-party FTP client.

    Tip: You cannot create or save jobs with this utility. To do so, connect to the vision system and use the File > New and File > Save menus of the In-Sight ViDi or In-Sight adapter.

Open the File Management utility with the following steps:

  1. Launch In-Sight Vision Suite if it is not already running.
  2. Left-click the device you want to configure on the In-Sight® Device Pane on the left. The list of Utilities applicable to the selected vision system then appears at the bottom of the window.

  3. Click the File Management button. The utility dialog then opens, consisting of the following parts:

    Number Description

    The device tab, allowing you to switch between the storage spaces of the selected vision systems.

    Tip: This tab appears only if you have selected multiple vision systems in the In-Sight® Device Pane. In that case, each selected vision system will have its own tab.

    The folder navigation pane of the selected vision system.

    • Navigate among the folders by expanding or collapsing them with the chevrons on the left. Open the contents of a folder in the storage explorer by left-clicking its name.
    • The window shows the name of the currently open folder above the navigation pane.

    The storage explorer window, listing the name, change date, type, and size of the files and folders located in the directory selected in the folder navigation pane (2).

    • Double-click any column of a folder row to open that folder.
    • Right-click any column of a file or folder to open the context menu containing the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete commands.
Note: The File Management utility is available for all discovered devices that are not in a faulty state, regardless of the device state (Online, Offline) and whether or not a user is already connected to it.