ViDi Tool Chains

Each of the Cognex ViDi Tools has a unique output, and that output can be used an input to another tool, in what is referred to as tool chaining.

In the image below, a Blue Locate Tool has a node model made up of the three features (H, B and T) which is providing a location (this is similar to using a pattern tool in a traditional vision application to create a fixture).

Note: The Blue Locate tool is also capable of orienting the view of downstream tools based on the features that the tool has found.

The location output by the Blue Locate tool is used by the Red Analyze Tool to orient and create its view, allowing the detection analysis to be performed in the same area of the image, based on the node model output by the Blue Locate tool.

Finally, the Green Classify Tool is used to classify the output of the Red Analyze tool, based on the classification criteria established for the Green Classify tool.