Binding Associations

Binding Associations are used when there is no direct way of converting a tag value to a property, i.e. converting a Boolean value to a color. Associations allow you to create a mapping table that specifies the value to use for a given tag. Associations can also be used to convert from an integer to a color, a Boolean to a string, and/or a string to a color.

For example, an Ellipse can be added to a Page, and its Color parameter could be set as an association to a Boolean result, where False would indicate Red and True would indicate Green.

  1. To create an association, add an Ellipse to the Page.
  2. In the Ellipse Properties, click the grey dot beside the Color parameter to launch the Expression Builder.
  3. Press the Add Tag button and select a tag that returns a Boolean result.

  4. Press the Associations button to create the conversion association. An Invalid Type dialog will be presented, press the Yes button to continue.

  5. Uncheck the Add Association Checkbox, and then press the Add button.

  6. From the color drop-down menu, select Red for False.

  7. Press the Add button again, and from the color drop-down menu, select Green for True. Press the Accept button to complete the association.

  8. Put the Page in Test Mode, and the Ellipse should be filled with the color Green when the result returns True, and Red when it returns False.