Page Data Display

The Data Display category of the Toolbox contains elements that you can use to display information on the Page. Before adding these elements, configure Resources to make the potential images and/or videos available to the elements.

To add and configure an element, drag and drop the element from the Toolbox, and then configure the element's Properties.

Note: For more information about configuring the various parameters of the element's Properties to a tag, please see the Binding Properties topic.
Control Description

Displays an image from the Resources or from an Image file.


How to use it with Resources:

  1. Provide the image file as a resource. See the Resources and Using the Resource topics.
  2. Place an Image control on your page and select it by clicking on it.
  3. In the Properties section, select your resource from the Source (Resource) drop-down list.

How to use it with an image file directly:

  1. Place an Image control on your page to select it by clicking on it.
  2. In the Properties section, provide the path to the image file in the Source (File) field.


Label Displays text in a configurable content.
Table Displays a Table control which can be used to display the result of a database query.
Video Player

Allow users to embed video files inside the application.


How to use it with Resources:

  1. Provide the video file as a resource. See the Resources and Using the Resource topics.
  2. Place a Video control on your page and select it by clicking on it.
  3. In the Properties section, select your resource from the Source (Resource) drop-down list.
  4. Optional: Place a Button on your Page and in the Properties section, assign the following click command to it: Pages.Page.VideoPlayer.Play. This button can start the video when you Run.

How to use it with a video file directly:

  1. Place a Video control on your page and select it by clicking on it.
  2. In the Properties section, provide the path to the video file in the Source (File) field.
  3. Optional: Place a Button on your Page and in the Properties section, assign the following click command to it: Pages.Page.VideoPlayer.Play. This button can start the video when you Run.